Chapter 4

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She is really Lucy, with someone i never met before. Does this mean something? She cheated on me? After all this time? We spend so much quality time together, right?

"Haha! It is just a dream, right?" I implies.

"This is not even a Real World."

Relieved, but worried, then I wake up, feel like a sh*t. Tomorrow, i will make sure of this with her.

Then i look out to the window, that dream sucks. Really bugs me.

"We have promised. Right, Lucy?"

"We will always be together, commitment until we married and getting old together."

As i thought those, memories consumes me, when I and Lucy made those promises back then.

I remember it. We were in the beach, just the two of us.

"Pinky promises"

Tears falls down my cheeks.

Well, life of course does not always according to our desire. But, Lucy? The one I love, the one I always think of, cheat on me.

I saw her with other man, and something tells me it is not a dream. Really hurt. It feels like I just want to die alone.

I decided to lock myself in my room, alone. I threw my body to bed. My blank eyes facing the ceiling, with a dim light.

Then I start imagining random things. But the first thing I imagine is my family.

"Mom, Dad. I really miss you."

While I memorizing the memories, I feel slowly asleep.


"Where is this? Forest? Oh yes I remembered this place." Soon i realize this is my family's destination for vacations.

We come here every time we have a chance. Mom will make a delicious food for picnic. Dad and I play with a swing that Dad made for me.

Ah... Happy memories, i was still kindergarden back there. It just warms my heart, remembering how happy my family is.

Then I saw someone there, fixing those old swing.

"Dad, is that... you?"

The Dream WandererWhere stories live. Discover now