Band camp

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The past couple of weeks I have been going to something called band camp. It is where we practice and that kinda stuff. Well I might several new people. All super nice. But this one guy caught my eye the first day. So I may have gotten a crush on him but I didn't say anything. Well after a couple days he asked me out. In the best way ever. We was talking on snapchat. He asked if I was taken. I said no. He took a picture of his dog doing a sad face, and the text said " Cheyenne my owner is lonely without you will you please go out with him." Of course I said yes cause I liked him. He was a really good kid in school. The rest of that week zoomed by. Then we kept going to the band camps. Well my twin brother thought that Zach and i was dating (Zach is the boy who asked me out). So Toby(twin brother) asked me if we was. I said yes. Well Toby told my parents. My parents started asking questions about him. After a while they didn't like him. My step sister(Dylani) call Zach  "ugly raccoon boy". The reason she called him that was becasue he had a sunburn on his face but where his sunglasses had been. So yea that's how Zach got his name with my step sister. After my parents knew they didn't like Zach they told me to break up with him. I said I would but what they don't know was that I didn't break up with him.We are still together, and more in love than ever. A couple of days ago school started. 

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