The Virginity Game

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(Publishing: Sample) In the seven years at my high school a  sickening game has been going on. Each year they would declare a winner on who would be the first too take another girls V-card, and with each year, the pressure would be increased and the boys aim at more girls. Last year, it’s said the group created a website, broadcasting the girls they’ve already had to the entire school, as well as anyone else paying attention, but only if they had a password to the site.

There were six boys, they were all gorgeous, and they were constantly referred by girls as the “Sexy Six”. The first two years of my high school life, I had gone seemingly unnoticed by the Sexy Six, almost as if I was one of the girls none of them wanted, though almost all of my friends had been claimed by them. I, of course, didn’t complain. I would rather be seen as a grenade than a trophy, but I was still slightly wounded… who wouldn’t be if all their friends were picked long ago? I avoided the boys anyway, never succumbing to my envy and trying to get chosen simply so I wouldn’t be left out. When it was time for my last year of high school to begin, I had hoped they would just leave me alone.

To bad the victim, is me.

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