Oh no.....!

7 0 0

"Right. What to do now? " Ryan said very loudly.

"Shhhhhh! Didn't I tell you to be quiet?, " I hissed, "Anyway, I don't know. Do you have anything helpful to say that isn't sarcastic comments? " Ryan sighed.

I don't mean to be mean but I'm stressed and under pressure.

"What about the window...?" He said as he pointed to his right.

"That's actually a good idea. Thanks. " I whispered and issued a weak smile.

"I'll help you out if you like. " he suggested.

"Yes please Superman." I giggled lightly and tiptoed to the open window. I quietly moved the table a little bit further away from the wall and removed everything that could potentially fall, break and make a racket. He lifted me up and I stood on the table.

"You ready? "

"As ready as I'll ever be. "

Ryan lifted me up sideways and I sat on the little ledge outside on the window. I jumped down and landed in a small puddle. I squealed.

Ryan threw himself up and over with a grunt and then smiled.

"You okay? "

"Yes thank you. You?

"Never better thanks."

I walked across.

"Hey... we're back outside the door. How could that happen? The room was

quite a long way from here... "

I frowned and ushered Ryan to put his hand on the door with me. We went straight back inside.


"Is that you Hannah and Ryan?"


We started to look around for Glenor. We weren't paying enough attention so the creatures took advantage and then ran at us while we were standing by the door. One of them took a lamp and tried to throw it at me. I took a step back and ducked with perfect timing. One other one picked up a table (don't ask me how, he was tiny) and then threw it at Ryan. He wasn't so lucky... it hit him and he collapsed onto the floor unconscious with blood as red as cherries pouring out of his nose.

Tears stream down my face as I pick him up slightly and drag his unconscious body across the floor to the door.

I try and open it;

Oh no...

It's locked.

... The Secret Door ...Where stories live. Discover now