Chapter one

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Here i am, writing letters to you that i will probably never send. I don't know if i am writing this for
you or for me. Sometimes i think i just do it out of habit. Not much has changed since i last wrote to you, well i say not much but that's not true now is it.

I met a boy.

I'll start from the beginning because i know you'll be dying to know, i went to Sainsbury's at lunch time with Eva because the cafeteria food would probably give me food poisoning. We were at the sandwich aisle when i decided to leave after Eva said something about the tuna looking like cat sick, in all fairness it did. I figured I would check out the book section and that's when I saw it. '1984' by George Orwell.

And that's where it all began.

It was the last book on the shelf and I knew I just had to have it, you know how much I love his work and all the books were on offer for half price, so I was not going to let this opportunity slip away from me.

I began skimming through the pages walking back towards Eva when I slammed into something, or should I say someone.
I looked up to be met with eyes brown eyes staring down at me with a blank expression. This boy, this boy...he was beautiful to say the least, too good looking to be in a town like this.

I was about to open my mouth to say sorry but I was cut off.

"That's my book".

The same blank expression remained.

Is this boy dumb? How is this his book, the entitlement in his voice was enough to snap me out of my trance.

"Oh wait, I think you're right. Yep, I see your name written right there" my tone was laced with sarcasm and I could see his eyes roll to the back of his head.

"Give me it"

Okay, I don't know who this demanding twat is, but if he doesn't get out of my face I'm gonna hit him in the face with the bloody book.

"Yes master, right away" I say pretended to hand over the book. He begins to stretch his hand out but before I snatch it back.

"Are you really that dumb".

Ha the idiot actually fell for it

His blank expression finally changes, but I don't think it's for the better.
A smirk spreads across his face as he closes the space between us.

What is happening

Hello 999, id like to report a hate crime

"What's the matter pumpkin, no more snarky comments".
He lets out a scoff staring down at me. He brings his face directly in front of mine and I can feel my breathing hitch. His stare remained fixed as if he's searching for something. After what feels like an eternity he's moves back with that ever present smirk still on his face.

It's only now that I can feel my lungs fill with oxygen.

He's got the book.
He's got my book.
And he's waving it in my bloody face, how the heck did he managed to do that.

I think the oxygen has managed to go to my head and I'm finally thinking straight. Before he leaves to turn I smash my foot so hard down onto his foot he kneels over in pain and I grab the book with both hands running out of the shop leaving Eva behind.

Oh bollocks I didn't even pay for the book.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2018 ⏰

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