chapter 8

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(later that night at the party)

A:so this is your date her name is alexis!

L:and this is your date his name is lucas!

-there dates look exactly like each other-

A:ok well i will not go and have fun with Lucas!

L:i will not go and have fun with alexis!

-they start to dance with there dates-

-a hour late-

A:hey lucas will you go get me some pucnh?

L:hey Alexis will you go get me some punch?

-they both go to get punch-

A: so how is your date going?


A:well mines going worse!

L:hey it has been a while where did they go?

A:i dont know! LUCAS!


-they walk around until they see two people making out-

A:there they are!

L:of course there making out!

A:i guess thats what we get for pairing up two people that are identical to us!

L:well we can still dance!

-ayla makes a face at him and then they start dancing-

-a hour later kylie runs up to them worried-

A:kylie what are you doing whats wrong?!

K: logan there has been an accident!

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