A/N sorry not an update!

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So many of you are asking why I have not updated lately (most of you are being polite about it but some are rather rude), so I will explain, in short detail, as to why I am not writing at the moment n why my works on are hold.

I am planning a funeral, adjusting to having 5 kids (all under 8) in my home instead of just my son, picked up a second job to provide for my now larger family, trying to work with my uni so I don't lose credits since I had to drop my courses, trying to edit the first book of the wolf series for publication (to help save my literature credits n I'm not even going to lie, the extra money (no matter how small) will help),personal health issues draining most of my energy, n lastly, continuing to help care for a 80 yr old Nan n sick disabled mother.

I have a ton on my plate n just don't have to write or even think about writing. When I get time, I will update n yes, I do plan to finish all open works n continue the wolf series. I just do not have the time or energy to do so at the time.

Thank you to all who have been patient n kind, I really do appreciate your support! Hopefully, I will be back soon.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2014 ⏰

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