broken - bryan

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Bryan and Sarah have always been the cutest couple ever since you guys were all children.


"I'm gonna stay late and catch up on some editing" you say as Matthias walks out the door

"Okay make sure you lock up, the keys are on the front table" he says before you hear the door close softly.

Your eyes glued to your computer as you cut out the faces of your co-workers for the thumbnails. Soft taps came from the door as it rained down that late Friday evening.

You got a text from Bryan.

Bryan - You still at work?

Yea why

Bryan - Just making sure you were safe :))

Aww ok Bry see you tomorrow



You waited a few more minutes. Still no response.

You continued editing until you heard the door open.

"Y/N" a voice calls out, broken

You walked out of the gaming room to see Bryan standing there. He had a busted lip,bloody nose, and a small gash on his upper arm.

"Bryan" you gasp running over to him.

His usually warm skin was cold and moist. His eyes were red. His hair a disheveled mess. He looks at you with puppy like eyes.

"What happened" you inquire, looking at his body

"Sarah and I got into a big fight a-and now we are getting divorced and she's taking the g-girls" he sniffles

Your eyes became teary as you ran back to the office to grab a first aid kit.

You started to pull the small pieces of glass of his upper arm. His arms were weak. This was a Bryan you had never seen, not the happy up-beat, warm hearted man you had once known.

He was sad and cold, broken.

You poured peroxide on the side of his arm. You watched as the bubbles started to appear on his mocha skin.

"Bryan, you can stay at my house tonight" you look up at him

He nods and wipes his nose

"Be careful, you may have a cut in you nose" you say softly as you wrap up his arm

"T-thank you Y/N" he stutter

"No need to thank me Bryan. So you know why she did this to you?" you ask softly

"S-she say that I had texted you and she got jealous when I told her you were my a-assistant" he sniffles

"But Sarah and I and are like best friends" you muttered

"She never like you" he sniffles

Right then, your heart broke even more.

"Lets go Bry" you say as you help him up and out the door (which you did lock)

You get in you car and drive to your apartment.

"You go lay in my bed and I'll get you some Tylenol and cold water" you say sending him down the hallway

His eyes weren't as bright as they were. His walk was more of a limp. He lost a part of him. He was broken. It was your job to fix him.

《 about a year later 》

"Merry Christmas!" you yell as Bryan sits up from his bed

He opened his eyes. They were twinkling like stars. His dark curls hung down in front of his face. A small smile formed on his face.

"Get ready we gotta go to Matt and Amanda's place" you yell getting off of his bed

"Okay Y/N" he smiles weakly

You walk out and look back at the smiling man, you remember how far he had come. The Bryan you had once known was showing his true colors again.

You both got dressed in you festive outfits and head out the door, just before noon.


"WE ARE HERE" you yell busting through the doors of Matt's house, Bryan not too far behind

"Ooh look at them there all matchy matchy" Matt screeches

You roll your eyes and Bryan just smiles


"Okay last present Y/N" Bryan smiles wide

You take the small box from his hands. You peel off the lavender wrapping paper to see a small box. You slowly took off the top. There lied a necklace and a ring. Written on the underside of the top of the box was:

Thank you Y/N, for everything you've done for me, I am forever grateful. I've realized that a
I made one big mistake in my life, because of you

Your eyes began to tear up. You put the box down and jumped into Bryan's arms. He pulled you into a hug.

"I knew I loved you since day one" he says into your hair

You just smile into his shoulder.

"I love you so much" you mumble

"I love you too"

He holds you there as Matt and Amanda just watch their friends fall in love.

Sometimes what you want is right in your face

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