The Tour🤗😍

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Before I start with the story I need to tell you guys I did write a beginning how it all happend but it wont let me post and idk why ahhh it kills ms but ok ima start now 🤗

Raegan's p.o.v
I woke up next to justin he was still sleeping he looked so cute😍 but I think I was saying it out loud because he woke up "What did you say babe" justin says while rubbing his eyes "oh uh nothing "I said .
Well then I got up and used the bathroom I came out if the bathroom and I went back to the bathroom I wanted to tell justin how the day is planned already.
I was shoked I look at justin laying on the bed asleep,this boy must be rlly tired of the flight but then again I started speacking out loud how beautiful he is and adorable until justin jumps up and laughs at me "Hahaha babe did u rlly thought I fell asleep again haha " he said while laughing "omg justin u scared the shit out if me " I said back acting to be mad "oh I'm sorry babe I didn't meant to scare you" he said kinda worried he then stands up *still on the bed* he then jumps on me and starts to kiss my neck .
But I push him off of me (gently) while saying "justin grayson's in the room" he then says "he is in such a deep sleep he won't hear us babe" I then say "justin no later I promise " "pinkie promise" justin says "pinkie promise" I say while smiling at him "ok but can I get a kiss " justin says in a sad voice "ok but just one justin" we both leaned in for a kiss "thank you babe" justin says all happy again.
After that me and justin went to the bathroom fixing our hair until we heard a noice *bam* we then go in the bedroom slowly and see grayson laying on the floor he fell down HAHAHAHAHA we both laughed so loud that we wpke up grayson he gets up and goes in the bathroom fixing his hair brushing his teeth then grayson came back and said "hey we should go live" "sure let me take out my laptop from my bag and you can start it while I change into something comfy" "ok" grayson says "guys ima go shower now k?" "okay babe"

*10 minutes skip*

Live Started

Justin's p.o.v

Everyone joined so the comments blew up.
After good 5 minutes I could finally read the comments everyone was like "jaegan" "kiss kiss kiss" "where is raegan" I replied "he is in the shower he's gonna be out soon guys" grayson sat in front of the camera and then I jumped up and sat on the bed "ur taking over" I said "i'll take you over" grayson said "ok don't take moments of that HAHA"  grayson said again.
After 5minutes silence Raegan jumped on the bed starting to make out whith me but what he didn't knew was that I went live I tried to push him off but that didn't work I then motion ro grayson with my hands to take the broadcast.. he did and then he said guys it's enough there's already 800 moments "moments?" Raegan said confused "yeah Raegan I went live but you didn't know and then you started making out with me" I said "OH SHIT" Raegan said kinda embarrassed "Whats wring Raegan?" I ask him.. he says shyly "My dad watches all of our broadcasts" "OH NO" I said while getting up to take the broadcast I said "Ok giys sorry for this short brosdcast but I need to end it we're gonna go eat now see y'all tomorrow at the meet and greet bye guys ily" *ends the broadcast*

Raegan's p.o.v
This was all my fault now me and justin are getting in trouble what if he gets banned because of me omg pls don't..I say out loud "Raegan it's all good I posted a pic and told everybody what happend they know now and even tjo they said you just dont have to be mad at urself u didn't knew I was live "justin said "thank uou justin for making me happy again " I said
"Guys it's 12am y'all need sleep for tomorrow " grayson said "ok yeah ur right we're just gonna watch some netflix until we fall asleep" justin said "ok well have fun ima go and take a quick shower" grayson said "ok" I said.
After watching that movie I was slowly drifting off to sleep and then justin started playing with my hair and then I fell in a deep sleep..

Justin's p.o.v
Aww he's so cute when he sleeps I say whil.slowly drifting of to sleep.I woke up for a sec to put the comuter off of my lap but I was too sleepy so I fell asleep again.

Grayson's p.o.v
I got done with my shower I dried myself of and then I  went to the bedroom to see justin and raegan asleep .I took the laptop and then I layed in my bad watching the movie to end ..I decided to take a video of the laptop and then of them the flashlight was on so that they could see them I filmed them until justin moved I quickly turned the camera away and posted it on my story without checkin the video .
Couple minutes later I hear them kissing It didn't bother me because I mean they're a couple they didn't saw each other for a good month but then I lost my shit *I'M LAUGHING SO HARD RN HAHAH* I heard them both cathing for air after making out for what 10minutes I then say "guys get sleep now I swear to god I will punch you guys if anybody of you say I'm tired at the meet up"

Justin's p.o.v (this will have smut in it so if u dont like reading smut scroll down until you see ······k)
"guys get sleep now I swear to god I will punch you guys if anybody of you say I'm tired at the meet up" Grayson says
"Ok Dad" I said whil laughing quiet
"I was about to fall asleep but no Raegan has to wake me up "Smut starts "i want you now baby boy" raegan said all excited
"but grayson is" he stopped me while smashing his lips onto mine we started making out "daddy I want more than that" I say kinda nervous because if we would have Sex it would be my first time ...
Raegan didn't mind saying anything he just went under the blanket and pulled down my boxers "Raegan I'm scared" I say shyly "Baby boy it'll get better it will hurt a lil at the beginning but then it'll feel like pleasure " "ok then go ahed but slow pls" I say still nervous "anythig for you baby boy" he says (Raegan has bottom surgery)
He gently pulled down my pants and then he starts to finger me at first he was just rubbing my clit but then he pumped it 2 fingers "i wanna go further daddy" I say
"ok baby boy but try to hold back ur moans because graysons a sneacky bitch"he says I just nod and then he pulled his boxers down..
"OWWWW" I screamed so loud that grayson woke up it was literallt 4am so he got up and got ready and then he said "let's go we need to be there at 8" "it's fuckin 4am wtf is wrong with you" raegan said kinda pissed off "well ima leave now I'll be back in 2 hours do get you guys" "okay bye " we said
Then Raegan came to me and started fingering me again until I scream Again
"justin, are you ok?" he asks kinda worried "My legs and my *oww* stomach hurts like rlly bad" "Omg justin I'm so sorry that I hurt you that bad" he said while tearing up "hey it's okay baby boy but I guess I need to sit all day at the meet and greet" "that's ok I can tell them that you dont feel that well"raegan says  "thank you babe"  I say
"well let's go take a shower and head to the meet and greet" raegan said

*Time skip to the meet up because I'm cool😏*

*JAEGANNNNNN* Was everything what we heard

We took a lot of pictures and had fun with all the supporters 🤗❤

Time skip to the hotel because I'm too lazy to write it all so yeah😏

ok cliffhanger im stop here its literally 6am in the mornig I wrote that all 1495 words is a lot but enjoy comment and vote if y'all want an update my itsgram is @ fanpageforalltheboys  soo dm me if you want an update byee ly guyss❤❤

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