What happend?!

335 21 8

Raegan's P.o.V

I woke up to my alarm and sat up and took my phone.
I looked at my Notifications and saw that justin texted me. I opened it

J-Babe can you please come over i rlly don't feel good...

R-Uh yeah sure.Be there in a bit

J-hurry plzz

I looked at the last text confused.
I stood up and changed into something basic. I then took my keys and drove there as soon as i could. When i got there i knocked on the door and David opened it.

D-Oh hey Raegan u need something?  He asked

R-Um no actually not but Justin texted me this morning saying that he's not feeling well so i quickly drove here..can i come in? I explained

D-Omg yeah ofc! He said and let me in.

I then run upstairs and look in his room he's not there then i rush into the bathroom and saw jim sitting in front of the toilet throwing up.
I ran over to him and said

"Babe what's wrong" i said and rubbed his back

"I-i don't k-know" he said while he was crying

"Come lets clean you up and get in bed" i said as i stood up and picked him up.
After i cleaned him i went to his ro with him in my arms i then layed him in bed and asked

"Do you have a clue why u throwed up" i asked as i kissed his forhead

"N-no" he was shaking so i put him on my lap and packed his lips

"I only drank a cip of water which Brendon gave me" he said as he let jis head fall onto my shoulder.
It then shoot in my head.

"That little asshole,babe you stay here I'm back in 5 minutes okay" i say as i layed him back onto his bed and stood up

"O-ok" he said as he wiped his tears away

I ran out of the room and went downstairs hopinh not to see david but didn't happen

D-hey,hey calm down whats wrong?! He asked with a confused look as he hwld onto my arm

R-I-i...okay please don't freak out david...Justin is pregnant..for a couple weeks now and he was throwing up and told mw that the only thing he drank was a cup of water which Brendon gave him and i know that Brendon deals with drugs and i think that he put somethimg into that water so i-i need to find him asap.. i say out of breath

D-Woah,wait why didn't justin tell me that he's pregnant? He said

R-He was scared,and yeah do you know where brendon is? I asked him

D-Uh yeah he should be in the garage

R-Okay thanks. I say as i walked past him until he stopped me

D-Wait I'm coming with you. He said and lead me to the garage

We walked in the garage and saw brendom sitting in a chair laughing.
I walked up to him and pulled him up so he faced me

"You litte asshole what did you put into that water" i say angrily

"You know just some pills what kills the babies " he said laughing

"You did no-" i was about to finish my sentence when David pulled me away and said

"Raegan call the cops" he said handing me his phone. I called them and told them where we are

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