Ch. 4 ~ Legends of Arboria

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Night had fallen when he stepped back into his own realm. Brook was sitting on a large root close by with a torch in hand so that he could see her. He noticed that the fireflies from before they went into Arboria were hovering all over the clearing like so many twinkling stars. They pulsed slowly, weaving sluggishly through the air. A silver moon hung overhead but was obscured by a few clouds. He sighed heavily and looked over at Brook who returned a sympathetic half grin and got down off of the root.

"Well, what a harrowing experience. I did not expect those things to attack us... Did you have to kill it, dear?" she asked as she walked up to him and layed a hand on his shoulder.

"Actually... Zella did... She really kinda saved me. I don't know if I could have killed it... ya know, psychologically... I don't know... heh, She just came outta nowhere and landed right on top of it before it got to me. It was amazing." He looked at the blade, turning it from side to side but saw nothing but his own reflection staring back at him.

"Oh, yes. She does like those rei-kai... She is, after all, still an animal. She has to eat. I'm glad that you didn't have to kill that thing. Maybe you're not yet ready to face something like that. I know this must all be a terrible fright to you...."

"Oh no, no, I'm OK. Honestly, I'm... I'm relieved that this is happening. I always hoped that there was something special about me and that, one day, someone would come to the orphanage just for me and tell me that I had a family after all. I just didn't want to face the reality of not having anyone. No one ever adopted me, though. I grew up there and, after awhile, I started playing in the gardens behind the orphanage. I always felt so far away when I was out there and naturally, as I grew older, I started tending the gardens.

I ... was... happy when I was out there. I went to school there at the orphanage until high school when I went to a public school. I immediately gravitated to horticulture and the FFA. I always did real well but I never wondered why. This is all very unreal but, after the life I have had, I can't help but want it more than anything else. This is too good to be true... but it's not a dream... I'm pretty sure. This sword, it's real. I can feel it. It's there. Everything that has happened so far has felt real. Anyway... I accept this... destiny; and yes, I do believe in destiny and fate." He stopped quickly, "That was what you were about to say wasn't it?" he asked glancing up at her sharply. "What is up with that, by the way? I have been feeling like you've been reading my thoughts a few times ever since we first met."

She giggled. "Yes I was, but it appears as though the short time you spent in Arboria has already had a positive effect on you. I believe it's beginning to kick in."

"What is?"

"Lief, your being part elf, you possess several... abilities that are beyond the scope of human capability. You have already witnessed the communication with plant life and I told you of our ability to communicate with animals. There is another, however, that you have been suspicious of. Elves can often pick up the thoughts of those of their same bloodline almost like a frequency on a radio. Now that is family, but you can pick up certain other things from others as well like emotions or moods. There are those who can hear the thoughts of non-family but it has taken them quite a long time to attain that level of mastery. Don't worry though, it's not just that easy. The younger you are the more difficult it is to both project and read."

"Project? You mean like send your thoughts to me?"

"Yes and, likewise, it is probably going to be difficult for you to even hear me when I project. Humans are not prone to these kinds of mental capabilities but some possess them. The human part of your mind does well to dampen the elven abilities but you're already showing progress. These abilities will come in time. Right now, there is still much I must tell you. If you are to accept the destiny you have been given, you must prepare yourself, for ahead of you lies a perilous journey. The journey will also come in time, however, so let's just focus on now. Come let's take another walk through my garden," she said, clasping her hands behind her back, the cane between her right arm and side.

Prologue ~ Legends of ArboriaWhere stories live. Discover now