Yuu: Wait what?
Me:I ship it!!!
Ferid: Fu fu, this is actualy a ship...
Mika: What kind of ship..?
Me:Romantical, duh.
Mika and Yu: WHAT!?
Mika: *blush* O-oh, well...
Me:*wispers to Ferid* busted
Yuu: *blush* but Mika is my family I-I can't...
Ferid:Someone is getting flustrated I se fu fu~.
Mika:*takes Yuu's hand* lets go Yuu-chan...
Me:*dreamy voice* This ship will sail
Ferid: It sure will...:3
Owari no Seraph react to ships
RandomHaha, what would the characters from ons say about your ships? :3