Chapter 6

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Link to outfit that Kate wore:$zoom-super$


I looked at the lists of names hanging on the side of my wardrobe. Maggie had three, Emily had two, Zoe had two and Anna had one. I'm still the only one with no names in my row. I sighed and opened the wardrobe door, looking around for something decent for me to wear. I felt around for a while until I came to a casual, dark brown, tank top with chains embroidered on the front to form a necklace. I looked at it, sighing as I pulled the tag off of it. Next, I found a pair of short, ripped denim shorts with frayed edges. I pulled on the outfit and strode over to the bathroom, grabbing my hairbrush and started to untangle my messy hair. I've got to at least make a small impression on this boy, otherwise I'll be stuck on zero forever!

'KATE!' I heard my mum yell from down stairs. I sighed and put my brush down. I quickly pulled on for black ballet flats and made my way downstairs, grabbing my phone on the way down. I spotted Henry at the door, talking to my mum. He looked up at me and smiled.

'Hey' I said, walking over to him.

'Hi' he breathed nervously. He took his hand in mine and we made our way outside.

'Have fun kids!' My mum winked, closing the door behind us.

We walked to the cinema in silence.

"Is this really how awkward a date is?" I thought to myself.

'So, uh, what movie do you wanna see?' Henry asked, breaking the silence. 'I'm not really a big fan of romantic comedies is that's what you had in mind'. I laughed.

'Me either' I admitted. He smiled and waited for me to make a decision. 'Um, I guess we can go see the new Captain America film' I suggested. I've always been a big fan of the Avengers. He nodded.

'Cool' he agreed as we made our way up the front stairs and into the cinema.

After a huge argument on who was going to pay, and me finally remembering that I forgot to bring my wallet, Henry paid for the tickets and a bucket of popcorn and we headed into theater number two. We sat down directly in the middle of the theater, watching other couples draping in.

We sat and talked about ourselves for a while, just to kill time until the movie started. It turns out that Henry and I are really a like. He's an only child. He's been expelled from lots of different schools. His parents are divorced. I froze as a sudden memory popped into my head from when I was seven.

I watched my parents argue below me, hugging the balcony with all my strength. They seemed to argue often now. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but I could tell that this time it was serious. I watched my dad take small glances at me, occasionally pointing in my direction while angrily shouting at my mum. I could see tears running down the side of my mums' cheek, she would start majorly sobbing in between sentences. Finally, my dad grabbed his suit cases and stormed out the door, turning to my mum to tell her one last thing. This time, I could make out what he was saying. His painful words directed at me. Huge tears started streaming down my drenched face. He caught eye contact with me one last time, and walked out of the house, slamming the door close behind him. Those two sentences were like knives cutting into me. I saw my mum loose control as she ran into her bedroom, her head in her hands. It took me a while to digest those words, running them through my heads again and again. "It's not you that's the problem, dear. It's her".

'Kate? Are you Ok?' I was snapped back to reality when I heard Henry's voice. I nodded quickly. He looked at me uncertainly. 'It's just that, well, you look like you've just seen a ghost'.

'Really, I'm fine' I reassured him. He nodded, still concerned. The lights went dim and we were plunged into a temporary darkness. I grabbed the box of popcorn and crammed a handful of salty, buttered popcorn into my mouth. I watched the movie, my full attention was absorbed in the pictures. I didn't realise that Henry was putting his arm around me until moments after. I smiled at him and sunk down into my seat, resting my head on his shoulder. I could feel him shifting in his seat every so often, almost like he was moving closer towards me. The small gestures he did put me off, distracting me from the movie, which meant missing the best and most important parts. 

After it finished, Henry and I went and got some ice cream. We sat down on a bench in the park to eat it.

'You've got a bit of ice cream by your mouth' he whispered, leaning towards me so that he could wipe it off. I let him. But instead of feeling his hand on my cheek, I felt his warm breath up close to my skin. Before I could back away, his lips were on mine. I counted to three before pushing him away, remembering the bet. 

'What was that!?' I asked, anger, confusion and a bit of joy mixed into my tone. Henry just stared. 

'I just... I thought...' He stuttered.

'Well I'll tell you what I thought' I spat at him. 'I thought we were friends just going to see a movie together. Just two, cool kids as friends!' Henry looked at me, confusion and sadness welled up in his eyes. I sighed. 'I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...'

'It's ok' Henry interrupted. 

'I'd love to still be friends though' I said kindly. He nodded, unsure. I smiled and gave him a big hug. I felt a buzz in my pocket. I sighed. 'I've gotta go' I told him. 'See you'.

'Bye' he whispered, waving. I smiled and walked off, pulling my phone out of my pocket and  going onto the group message. 

"Just got Henry Davidson- K" 

Maggie replied almost instantly. 

"The boy you tried to beat up the other day?- M"

I let out a small laugh. 

"That's the one- K" 

This time, it was Anna who replied.

"No idea how the date happened then- A" 

I shrugged. 

"I must be crazy irresistible- K" I replied sarcastically. 

"Or he's just desperate- M"

I laughed and turned my phone off, smiling the rest of the way home. 

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