Chapter 4

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This room bored him to no end. Why would anyone want to ever live like this? The room was bland and boring. Nowhere even close to befitting for the king of the seven kingdoms. Were they really trying to insult him? They probably were! After all his aggravating grandfather had the nerve to not discuss business with him! Sending the king to his room like a child infuriated him! How dare him! Joffrey huffed angrily and kicked his bed for now. If it wasn't for his stupid plaything he wouldn't have even been here in the first place. That made his anger for his grandfather completely fall on his wolf bitch! She'll pay for his discomfort here! Every moment he would be around her he swore to the seven God's he'd make her miserable!

His eyes fell on his favorite crossbow. All his package belongings have already been brought up to his chambers. How images of tying Sansa to the bed and marking her entire body with arrows aroused his sadistic nature. Joffrey enjoyed doing that to the whore. He could enjoy doing it to the wolf bitch! No. That's to kind for her! When the lion attacked the little wolf it would have to be perfect. The fantasy was bliss for him.

Now though he was bored. That issue had to be dealt with. Maybe he would order a whore to his chamber to release some of his growing frustrations on. Not sexually. No. Whores weren't worthy of him. Besides the only true sexual thoughts he felt were for two women. His wife who managed to fulfill his darker fantasies by willing to indulge with him. Though he knew his true sexual fantasy was taking what he wanted from the wolf. Having his way with her was what he wanted. Making her scream in pain and ruining her forever! Now that was what he wanted. As a King anything he wanted was his.

Joffrey would often tell Sansa back in Kings Landing how he planned on having his way with her. That she wouldn't be able to stop him. The fear that she would try to hide from him but never could often made him want to rape her in that moment. No. He would resist. Making her more afraid of the day that would come often was enough for his satisfaction. The poor wolf didn't realize that day was coming soon.

For now, he was bored. Should he go for a hunt? Maybe there would be a direwolf still around? Killing a wolf would be fun. Joffrey sighed. Regardless of what he did he hated being coped up in this boring room. So as he stood he grabbed his crossbow and strapped it to his back with some bolts. Maybe he could shoot some peasants. A dark laugh escaped him as he made his way out of the room.

Walking around Winterfell was boring and most people ignored him. Only the Lannister guards that his mother insisted come to protect him gave him much mind. That angered him the disrespect of these northerners. He should order them all to be killed he thought to himself. As he looked down from the top of the stairs at the crowd of people carrying on with their lives he wondered who he should practice his aim on. His green eyes glanced the crowd, his eyes stopped on a petite woman polishing some shoes. With a smirk he started to unstrap his crossbow and started to prepare it. Cranking it back and putting a bolt in place. A dark smile formed on his lips as he aimed.

The second after he pulled the trigger the woman screamed in pain as she fell over in agony. Screaming and crying as she held her stomach. Blood was turning the ground a pretty shade of red. The crowd looked around. No one moved to help her. He wondered if they were expecting it to be a Bolton. That house cruelty was even known by him. When no one could see a Bolton anywhere a couple of women came to help the screaming woman Joffrey had cruelly shot for no reason.

"Oh, more targets." His words were more to himself. As he started to prepare another bolt once he leaned back up a brown haired woman was standing in front of him. It startled Joffrey for a moment.

"Target practice?" She asked curiously. She didn't seem to be bothered by his actions at all. That made Joffrey more intrigued by this strange woman. Did she even know who he was? She must have not by her lack of courtesy around him. The lion let it slide for now as he was curious by the smile that formed on her lips.

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