Math With Matthew

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"x equals negative b plus or minus the square root of b squared minus four ac over two a" your algebra teacher goes on as you roll your eyes.

You are about to drift off into a desk nap, when the principal walks in.

This causes a stir amongst your classmates.

She whispers something into your teachers ear and exits into the hallway.

Who she re-enters the classroom with makes your jaw drop. It's Matthew.

You immediately sit up and comb your hair through with your fingers.

"Class," the principal says, "this is Matthew, he's a new student here."

The girls in the rows in front of you chatter excitedly. You try to act calm.

"Do we have a seat for Mr. Espinosa?" you teacher says.

Everyone looks around them. Just your luck, the only empty seat is next to you in the back.

Matthew makes eye contact with you, and gives you a shy smile. The principal gestures toward the desk, and Matt makes his way over.

"Hi I'm Matthew," he says with a smile.

"Hi I'm (y/n)," you say with a grin.

But just to add the extra embarrassment besides the whole class looking at you, your pencil slips out of your hand.

You pretend like it's no big deal and wait for Matt to look away so you can pick it up.

Instead he reaches down for it.

"You dropped this," he says pressing it into your hand, and holding his fingers there for a good 10 seconds.

You give a quick smile and look away already blushing.

You try to pretend like he's not there so you can concentrate, until a folded piece of paper hits your desk.

"Meet me after class?" it reads in Matts handwriting.

You look at him and he winks.

The bell rings.

Math With MatthewWhere stories live. Discover now