2: a sad rose in the east....pt 1

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HEY THERE!!!! so uhh sorry about last character being short n all but it was like a  introduction... also about the music video... idk what happened. it just wont work anymore.... werid ik. but instead ima just put the link to the music in the begining...like right here... right now.....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljzARXrci5A <----- this is for last cahpters btw....

alright.... story time!!!!!




The afternoon breeze blew lightly as the princess Isadora sat right next to the “creek of wonders.” This is were the people of glemdorin’s wishes and dreams come true. And at this moment, Isadora was wishing for a dream. She looked left and right to make sure she was alone. Isadora clapped her hands together twice and closed her big blue eyes. “I wish I could be free, and live my life not as a *sad rose..” she said softly. She smiled to herself as the afternoon breeze blew again. Isadora knew , this was just an ancient myth and that there was a very high chance of this dream not coming true, but she had hope. ( but hope wont take you fair these days….she knew that too sadly). In the distance the tea time bells started to chime there lovely melody.  Isadora sighed, “ is it that time already?” she cried out knowing she wouldn’t get a response. She stood up and dusted off her blue rose coloured dress. She sighed again as she redundantly marched toward the palace, her home. She was not looking forward to this. This is how tea time would go, ( as it always did) if there was a guest ( which there always are ) she wouldn’t be allowed to go to tea time with everyone. She would have to drink tea with a maid ( who barley liked her) at the long table in the dinning area, while everyone else was outside enjoying there tea time with the guest. If they didn’t have a guest Isadora would be allowed to have tea with the family, but no one would talk to her expect her twin brother isadore, who would get dirty looks from mother and father ( queen and king) when he did. Isadora was slightly mad at the thought of her brother. He was allowed to do everything. Play with the other royals, go to the royal academy, attend all the balls held by the palace, allowed to attend tea time when guest were there, and make royal appearances with mother and father .on top of that everyone seemed to love and adore him! While Isadora was a different story.

She wasn’t allowed to play with the other royals, she was to be home schooled, she was to be in the upper wing of the palace during balls , to sit alone during tea time and wasn’t allowed to leave the palace. Plus, no one really adored her. The maids looked at her with nasty looks of disapproval ( of some sort..) “ its not fair” she mumbled to herself as she made it back to her secret entrance, so she wouldn’t  get caught outside the palace. One day she had found a small door on the east side and found out it led to the outside. She’s been using it ever since. ( rules were made to be broken.) Isadora opened the door and stepped in and closed it. she crawled in the narrow stone tunnel until she reached another small door.

She opened it and crawled into the nursery she had once been raised in. Isadora stood up once more and mad her way back to her current room ( which was a floor away) without getting caught. as she was opening her bedroom door, she suddenly heard a voice behind her.

“ Isa! I was wondering were u had run off too? Are you alright?” it was isadore. She turned around to see her twin brother looking at her worried. “ yes, im fine. I was just about to wash up f-for tea time.” She said with her sweet voice. She didn’t want isadore to know about her little adventures out to the creek. Isadore looked at her. “ hmmm, okay then, but why is your dress all dirty?” he asked with a hand on his chin. Isadora softly gasped as she looked down at her dress. The blue rose coloured dress was now a dress covered in stones and dirt. “ oh my! How did that happen? Ise, thank you for pointing that out for me, I was about to go to tea time like this!” she said with a façade. “ b-but-” isadore was cut off by isadora. “ yes, yes I know, ill get cleaned up as quick as I can. Oh and one more thing dearest brother… guest or no guest.” She asked. “ no guest, well be having tea in the butterfly’s garden. Please come today, ill be lonely. “ isadore said with a pouty face. “ not like a have a choice.” Isadora mumble as she closed her bedrooms door. She went over to the closet and opened it to find more than a handful of sections to choose from. She decided to go for something simple, a red and black long dress with black Victorian flats. ( after all she didn’t have much time before the maids came to get her.) she quickly took off her blue rose coloured dress and switched it for the red one. She took a brush to her hair and tied it back with a red bow, then put her black lace hat on her head and then sipped on her flats as she heard a knocking on her door. “ m’lady, are you ready for afternoon tea? Today there are no guest, so you may have tea with the highnesses.” A maid said. She  pulled herself together and opened the door then walked behind the maid (like a princess) to the afternoon tea session. Cant wait to get this over with….

 sad rose= person with no freedom and is not being feed the  love she/he needs, like a sad rose thats dying. 

an: again 

so how was it? i feel like i made alot of mistakes.... would u tell me if i did? ;m; anywhroe, like comment and maybe possible share ouo

lol...time to go do homework, blehhhh

see you, space boy

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2014 ⏰

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