His Seat

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Once Arthur was king one of the first things he did was set up the round table.

The most obvious options were the knights. Leon, Gwaine, Elyan, Percival, and Lancelot. Next was Gwen. Who came to help represent the people of Camelot and their problems. Then Gaius. The only man who knew what the hell was going on half the time.

Then some people from his father's council. Sir Colin. A knight that served with his father, sort of his equivalent of Leon. Lord Pathro. Who owned a large lot of land. Sir Marc who was an old friend. And finally Lady Eliza. A woman who helped organize most of Camelot charity.

And that was it! Arthur smiled and picked up his list to inspect it one last time. All eleven spots were filled, himself being the last.

"Have you finished it then?" Merlin asked and entered the room.

"Yes. All eleven spots are filled." Arthur said and handed Merlin the list.

Sir Colin.
Lord Pathro.
Sir Marc
And Lady Eliza.

Merlin frowned. He wasn't on the list. He wasn't getting a seat.

"What's wrong with it?" Arthur asked seeing his frown.

Merlin quickly shook his head and forced a smiled.

"I just don't think you and Lord Pathro will see eye to eye on many things. Very old school." Merlin said, and it was true. But that's not why he was upset.

"I see your point. But I'd like to hear a counter argument." Arthur defended and Merlin nodded.

Merlin could feel his eyes water. "I think that everything else is fine."

"I'll see you tomorrow." Arthur said and Merlin took that as his cue to leave.

The next morning Arthur woke with a smile on his face. Today was the first meeting of the round table.

When Merlin came he was oddly silent. But Arthur was too excited to really look into it.

Arthur stood at the seat across from the door and waited.

First to arrive was Gwen. When she walked in she smiled and walked up to Arthur kissing him. She then looked at Merlin in confusion as he helped her to her seat, on Arthur's left.

"Where's your seat?" She whispered to him when Sir Colin came in and took up Arthur's attention.

"I don't get one. I'm just his servant." He said with a sad smile.

Sir Colin was sat directly across from Arthur and Lord Pathro on his right with Lady Eliza on his left.

The Knights filled in the seats around them. Elyan and Percival in between Gwen and Pathro.

Leon sat at Arthur's right with Lancelot on his side. Gwaine walked in and smiled sitting next to Lancelot, thinking he was sat next to Merlin.

The knights all watched Merlin in confusion. Why wasn't he sitting down so they could get started?

Gaius walked in and took a seat next to Elyan and Percival.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2017 ⏰

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