The Revolution

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The year is 2055. America and Russia have gone to war, and millions of lives were lost. There are no more countries just states. No language barriers other than Russian and English. I was born after the conquest of the world, and I was told stories by my father before his number was called.

The great and almighty American Federation wanted the rest of the oil colony in Algeria but of course, how could the Empire let that happen. Hundreds of thousands of lives were lost including my father all for a standoff and the backing out of the federation to their own side. My name is Alex Entum my brother and I were both lucky and born into the green zone until he had to go ahead and protest laws and the war, it doesn't matter if you're a doorman or an elite official everyone knows to not protest your state. If you protest in Russia it's a public execution, in the Federation you don't get as lucky they will ship you off to the Red zone to work in the factories until the end of your days, and well that's exactly where my brother, James Entum was sent to.

Houston, Texas also known now as the Charcoal Central due to that's what the factories produce with some dirt water a touch of Xit and a push of a button it mass produces by the hundreds Xit a chemical that is mainly produced in Iceland. It can make anything and everything as long as you have the right materials. You may say "wow that's easy" but I ensure you a twenty hour day with no breaks breathing in fumes worse than straight carbon monoxide is not easy or fun at all. A few years have passed I'm 25 and my brother, if he is still alive, should be 24 he was made a week after me and my parents made us perfect but boy were we a pretty penny, $100,000 for each to be the best out of everyone. He was all I ever had growing up we were so close, and in the past couple years I've had assets from my father, brother, and mother all drop onto me like a king on tax day. I used all this income to go to Canada to start a private army known as the forgotten army Canada is a bomb shell nothing here anymore it was a heavy resistance against the Federation a few years back, that was until the Federation used an energy strike so it will be the last place to check yet good for practice for new troops.

It took awhile to finally build up a part of Canada as far north as we could all go out of surveillance of both countries we stationed in Nunavut we trained for 3 years we recruited about a hundred thousand men and women and made them elites in the art of takeover and extraction. We dressed in gray with the best armor money could buy on the underground all soldiers carried X2-80 plasma rifles, these were mostly prototypes that a few greedy engineers from the Empire gave and helped us produce. Our first target, Houston, not only for James but the thousands who can help with the army. As I walk down the half built road I enter the mess hall and everyone stands for salute, I wave them off "I expect none of you to salute when a commander enters a room we are all equal fighting for the same cause to Free states and our families from the tyrants at war". 'Operation STIKHOUAO' I want group A, B, and D to be ready an hour before we move out we strike at 0100 hours so get some rest men.

Each group had 10 men each having a commander and every man had a purpose because we didn't have the men to send in blindly. Group A breached from the north of the Main factory and B hit the south entrance while C airdropped from a 28100 recon ship to avoid all radar the Federation had. The three groups knew we had approximately 10 minutes before alarms kicked in that's what group B is for to raid the basement as quickly as possible and deactivate all secondary alarms A and C will sweep and clear all hostile forces when the military capital in South Dakota does a roll call for factories that's when they will blame the Empire. As men from each group move swiftly through the dark corridors of the building no noise was made not even during conflicts." I say" said a private from A "these rifles are quieter than a friggin mouse" but no one said a word as they moved on to the second floor to meet with C where they keep all the prisoners. As the 10-minute mark approaches all groups could do was pray that B did their job right, I count down as the minute comes to an end "10, 9, 8,7....6, 5, 4, 3...2,1..." nothing. A and C move through the second floor quietly and efficiently taking out all threats. The teams evacuated the building with all the prisoners including James.

Back at Nunavut the next morning I was right the Federation is already on top of the Empire hitting Australia, Kazakhstan, and Egypt, Russia didn't have time to prepare and lost all three, the Federation didn't want to leave men isolated surrounded by the enemy so the turned those countries upside down and made them a wasteland. James slept for at least a week with small meals when he did wake up he looked terrible he was only 27 but looked like he was nearing 50.

When he finally woke up for good feeling well rested and fed he started looking at plans when I came into the room I asked how he was feeling "much better" he replied "but this plan will never work Africa is way too hot of a zone to go in with your frick frack army" "Forgotten Army "I replied sincerely "and it saved you didn't it?" "Well, I guess you're right but still the tyrants have man power you do not, I feel we should hit Europe, it's nothing but a peace region the Empire hasn't fought there in decades I've heard it is mostly trees now and some old headquarters no one lives there now." "You should join us you can be the Plan Lead you've been on the inside for many years you know a lot about them," I said to James " that sounds great." "So when are we leaving for Europe James?" "Let's give it a week for tensions to lower"

*A week passes the troops of now about 150 thousand pack their rifles, rations, and gear for the recon ships*. "It takes about 30 minutes to get to Portugal which is where we will be deploying we will change our home base uniforms to a woodland and leave combat uniforms as gray" I said. As we came to a land with a few ships in Lisbon Portugal we had to clear out trees for the rest of the ships that were a few minutes behind we eventually cleared enough rooms for all ships to land and did a complete sweep of Portugal and Spain in about an hour. As years passed War ravaged between the two nations which kept them distracted as we grew stronger. By the end of that Year we owned all of Europe, Canada, Greenland, and Ukraine we grew to a force of about 30 Million men and women strong people loved the Peace Republic a sanctuary for those who were able to escape the empire We still of course played cat and mouse games unnoticed while we took countries we called it state hopping we divide our force to one country to fight and distract and the other half move in and take the capital uplink of that state of course always in the early morning. In 2065 we were a Republic that consisted of 65 countries and almost 400 million people.

Our next target was Algeria, Oh? You thought that was over? No, no, both sides fought vigorously over the state just for the oil it supplied. But we went in swiftly like many times before it's almost routine now, we were able to make sections of the groups which had about a hundred thousand each and we flanked both countries and then sent a two more sections in the middle of Algeria to push toward both countries and surround them while we sent Group A, B, and C in to take the capital uplink site in Ghardaïa it was a success, but we were on the radar of both Nations. It wasn't all bad when a third nation came into play the sides stopped fighting for a few years since we took Algeria so the Republic moved into Chad and made it a neutral zone for the country leaders to meet and discuss what will further happen.

There was an awkward silence, no handshakes, or greetings we all sat at the table away from the press and the rest of the world... Just us. I broke the silence "Looked how fast my Nation has progressed in the past few years with peace." Emperor Vicktor Rusinoff looked at me and said with a thick Russian accent "you have ruined our plan for world domination." "Your plan has killed millions upon millions of people. Your civilians are living in harsh conditions and you kill anyone who protests against you." I said with anger "its world order" said Dictator Liam Sanders. "It's how we must live to keep men fighting for us," he said calmly. "No, it is how you think you must live look at my republic I've built it on peace and prosperity people follow me at their will, not at gunpoint." The Emperor slams his fist on the table and stands up in anger "Your Republic is nothing and I will ensure war ravages every corner of Europe as I did to the last man who attempted a revolution, war creates order... and without order a Nation is nothing, I will see you on the battlefield Entum" the king began to leave as a gunshot goes off piercing his uniform making a beautiful red as he falls.

I look over to the emperor he aims the pistol at me, then places it on the table and puts out a hand and says "war may keep order, but peace builds a nation strong." We firmly shake hands and walk out to the cameras together with Mr. Rusinoff lying face down behind us "may a new era of peace and trust begin." I say facing the camera with a big smile and my index and middle finger hugging each other behind my back.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2017 ⏰

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