Chapter 7 - Nightmare

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Jack found himself being lead through the harshly light corridors of the lab, hands cuffed behind him and a scientist either side of him, gripping his arms to keep him from rubbing. There was another scientist leading the way.

They made their way down the corridor and eventually came to a door, which Dr. Jacobs got his keys out of his pocket and opened. Jack was pushed into the small room, his bare feet stinging slightly upon contact with the cold metal floor and the scientists following close behind. Inside was a desk laden with computers and monitors, more scientists sitting at the desk typing away, and ahead of them was a giant window which lead to another room, this one completely white and empty. Jack recognized this room well: it was the same room he had been shoved into when he first arrived here, left to scream and cry and beg for help. He'd never realized that the scientists had been watching him through the one-way glass the whole time. He shuddered at the thought.

His entrance caught the attention of a man standing behind the scientists seated at the desk. He turned around as one of the scientists closed the door behind them.
"We brought Subject T10 / C0 as you asked, sir." One of the scientists said.
The man, Dr. Billy Jacobs (aka the lead scientist behind this madness) nodded in satisfaction.
"Excellent," he said, turning to face Jack. He had a bundle of files in his hand which he handed over to a female scientist stood next to him. "I hope the anesthetic didn't cause you too much discomfort," Dr. Jacobs continued, handing the female scientist a pen. Jack didn't answer for a moment, but instead narrowed his eyes, remembering the previous hour or so he'd spent throwing up all over his cell.
"Oh it was wonderful," Jack snarled.
"Good," Dr Jacobs said, not seeming to register the sarcasm, "Now, I'm sure you're wondering why I called you here, but before I explain..." he looked towards the female scientist, who nodded, placed the files on the desk and left for a moment before coming back carrying a box. She placed this box at Jack's feet.
"...I'd like to give you a little gift." Dr. Jacobs finished. Jack frowned. A gift? What gift? Why was he suddenly being given gifts after days of torture and pain? Before he could ask these questions out loud, the scientist behind him unlocked his cuffs, letting his hands free. Jack rubbed his wrists, which were sore from the cuffs, and stared at the box blankly before looking back up at Dr. Jacobs.
"Go on," he urged, motioning towards the box with one hand, "Open it. It's for you."

Slowly, Jack bent down, keeping his eyes on Dr. Jacobs the whole time. When he reached the box, he looked at it. It was just a normal, cardboard box; no labels, no nothing. Jack paused. Was this some sort of test? He looked back up at Dr. Jacobs, who said nothing, so Jack slowly opened the box.

Inside were his own clothes.

The same black t-shirt, jeans, and shoes he'd arrived at this place in before they were taken off him and he was forced into a white and black striped top and trousers. He hadn't seen these clothes in ages. He'd just assumed they'd been destroyed.
He looked back up at the doctor.
"Yes," he said, "You'll finally be able to wear your own clothes again. Think of this as a sort of...celebratory present for the experiment being a success. Now, put them on."
Jack hesitated.
", right now?"
"But, I can't just strip off in front of-"
Jack cried out as a sharp pain exploded in his back. He turned to see one of the scientists holding what appeared to be a police baton.
"Now." Dr. Jacobs repeated. This time, Jack didn't argue. His nose still ached from the last time he was hit by one of those batons. The crusted blood still covered his face.

Jack picked up the clothes and walked into the corner of the room in an attempt to keep his dignity. He was about to ask everyone to turn around and give him some privacy but decided against it. All he would get for his troubles would be another beating. He stripped off his white and black clothes, revealing the crisscrossed brushes, cuts, and scratches that now covered his body, before putting his old black clothes back on. There was something strange about putting these clothes on: they remedied him of home, of family, of not having a care in the world and making people happy. Thinking about all of this made his heart ache, and tears welled up in his eyes. Noticing Jack's pause, Dr. Jacobs ordered a scientist to drag Jack back in front of him. Jack's red tears eyes met Dr. Jacobs cold stare and Jack frantically tried to stop the tears, trembling at the thought of another beating coming his way. When he'd got himself together, Dr. Jacobs spoke.
"That's more like it. I'm sure you feel better now that you're in your own clothes."
He didn't. He felt awful. He felt like he wanted to die.
"Now, you're not the only one getting a new set of fabrics," Dr. Jacobs said, turning to face the large window, "As I'm sure you know, our experiment to extract the human conscience and split it into its individual parts was a massive success. That means we have successfully created 4 living, breathing clones, Jack, with one more on the way shortly." He motioned for Jack to stand next to him, and Jack obeyed. "We are going to have to perform some routine tests on yourself to check there were no side effects, but first, I'd like you to see the fruits of our labor."

One and The Same (a Jacksepticeye and egos AU story)Where stories live. Discover now