Chapter 1: First day back.

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Serena's P.O.V
My face was buried in my pillow, pretending to be asleep.
"Serena, Honey! Come on you can't be late for the first day of school!" Mom yelled. I groaned, I always hated the first day of school. I just stayed in bed, "YOWCH!!!!" I yelled, gripping my back, I felt something sharp peck at it, I looked around. "YOU STUPID FLETCLING! ILL GET YOU!" I yelled while reaching out for Fletchling from my bed, I almost grabbed it but he flew away, resulting in me falling off my bed. "Now I'm awake..." I mumbled. I looked into my mirror, my hair was a mess. I sighed and reached for my brush, I got my hair nice for the first day, cause first impressions are important. "Come on out guys!" I said and I tossed my 2 Pokeballs in the air.
They both said, I looked at the clock. 7 am, class started at 8:15, I still had time to groom Fennekin, I took Fennekins pink brush from the drawer and started to brush Fennekins hair, "Kin! Kin!" Fennekin exclaimed, seems like she liked getting her hair brushed. "Here Fennekin." I said and I put a pink bow in Fennekins head. "Serena! Did you get dressed?" Mom asked, I looked at myself. "No, mom! But I will now!" I said and I changed into my clothes. "Alright guys, lets go and have breakfast." I said to Pancham and Fennekin. I picked them both up and brought them down stairs. "Morning, Serena." Mom said "Mornin'" I replied, I sat down and there was a bowl of cereal there. "Thanks mom.." I said while putting a spoonful of cereal into my mouth. I finished up breakfast and went back upstairs. "Gotta brush my teeth." I said to myself and I walked into the bathroom.
~time skip to after getting ready~
I walked to the bus stop, I looked at my watch. 7:45, when I looked up I saw Lyra, Misty and May at the bus stop. With a couple of boys too. "Morning, Lyra, Misty, May, Kenny, Gary." I said to them all.
"Morning." They all replied. You see, we all live in Vaniville town, so we all go to the same bus stop.
"Anything cool happen over the summer?" May asked. "Not much.. You?" I replied "Oh yeah! I did this and I did..." Big mistake. May went on saying what she did for 10 minuets. When the bus arrived we all took our seats away from May. Just to get rid of hearing her story's for another 20 minutes. I put Fennekin on my lap "Kin!" She purred and we sat down looking out the window for 15 minutes
"Ok we're here so GET OFF THE BUS!!!" The bus driver yelled, I walked out the bus pretty fast. I didn't wanna see what would happen if I stayed to long. Everyone was just going into the school, I saw Dawn, Iris, Barry, Clemont and Paul walk inside. (I know it's like the same people every time in a Pokémon high school but deal with it) "Come on guys!" I said and ran inside with May, Gary, Kenny, Lyra and Misty behind me, I remember my locker number from my report card 307 I thought to myself I slowed down once I got inside, I headed for the lockers, I went from the 100's to the 200's to the 300's. I was so caught up in finding my locker I realized I left all my friends behind. I sweatdroped and I opened up my locker. "Ew! Ew! Ew! Gross!!" I yelled while closing the door to the locker. There was spider webs, dust, and sticky spots all over the place. I wish it was my locker like last year... "Luckly, I brought some supplies to make it better!" I said while reatching into my backpack. I opened up the locker and as much as I hate to do it I put my stuff inside. "I will have to deal with it later! I'm almost late!" I said and I sprinted to 1st period, Grooming. I was excited, grooming was mostly hands on, so I could play with Pancham and Fennekin. I sprinted into the room and took my seat next to Lyra.
"What took you so long, Serena?" She whispered "I had to find my locker, it's pretty far away." I whispered back, then the teacher walked in.
"Hello class, as many of you may know I am Proffesor Juniper". (Yes the teachers are gonna be professors)
Professor said "Today we will not only be grooming our Pokémon, but we also have a new student from the Kanto region!" She announced. Everyone was excited to meet him or her. "Come on out Ash!" Professor said. 'Hm, Ash huh? It's probably a guy, but it may be short for Ashley.' I thought, but then the cutest boy ever walked through door, he wore a blue jacket with a red hat, he also had a Pikachu sitting on his shoulder. I stared, I know it's not nice to but I couldn't help myself. We met eyes for a couple seconds but I quickly turned away and blushed a small pink. His brown eyes were beautiful, and he was the cutest boy I have ever laid eyes on.

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