Chapter 1. On The Run

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I had to get outta here.

I had to keep running.

If I didn't I would get caught.

And I was not about to get caught.

My name is Bailey Owens. I was 19 years old,5 foot 8 and was on the chunky side and I had to run from the police or I was going to get thrown in Jail.

I had just killed 2 people named Doug and Tessa Owens.

Yep I killed my parents.But for a good reason.

So now I was in Travis County, Texas,miles away from any spot if civilization. It was better then being in the city and having police all over you tail.

When I had realized what I did I packed my stuff and left before the cops came to my house. All I had was clothes,books,money, and my drawing equipment. I never thought to bring food.

I had been walking for miles and I was regretting my choice to not bring food or water. But a couple miles away I could see a little gas station. I couldn't see the name but I knew that it might have food.

I jogged the rest if the way and when I saw that the shop was old and run down and I couldn't see a name anywhere. But I needed the help so I walked in and heard the cow bell above my ring through out the shop.

I looked around and couldn't see anyone.

"Excuse me? Is anyone here? I'm in a real need of help. Anyone?"

I called through the shop but I got no answer back. I then heard a rustle in the back and a woman appeared.

"Wha can I do fa ya' miss?"

She was an old looking woman. She had grey hair in a low bun with half moon glasses. She was wearing an old fashioned dress that was purple and went to her ankles. She was smoking a cigarette and she had a southern accent.

"Yes ma'am I need directions to a hotel or something. I've been walking for miles and I'm really tired. If you could help me that would great ma'am."

She looked at me surprised.

"You ain't got no car?"

"No ma'am"

She then began to have a thinking look as if she was wondering if I was worth helping. In my opinion I wasn't worth helping. I had just killed the two people who brought me to this earth. In cold blood no less. But I had enjoyed killing the people who brought me nothing but pain and suffering.

The had berated me and hurt me in all ways possible. Feeling their blood run down my face felt amazing. But when I came down from my blood high I realized what I had done and ran. So now here I was.

"Child are you listenin to me?"

I rushed my head back up to see the woman standing in front of me with a look a what I would call worry.

"I'm sorry ma'am I blanked out. I'm sorry ma'am."

She squinted her eyes at me and snuffed out her cigarette.

"I like you child. What's yo name?"

"Bailey Owens ma'am."

She lit up another cigarette and walked out the shop and motioned for me to follow her out. I did as told and she pointed out in the distance.

"Ova there is ma home. You are about the most respectful child I ever meet that I'll let you stay with my family for as long a ya need."

She blew smoke our of her mouth and smiled at me. The smile made me feel as like I could trust this woman.

She was nice enough to let me stay with her and the smile she gave me made my heart thump harder in my chest. I've never gotten such a motherly smile before and it made me feel wanted.

"Thank you Ma'am you don't know how thankful I am of you. Thank you so much ma'am."

"No more of that 'ma'am' business here. Call me Luda Mae you hear me?"

"Yes ma- Luda Mae."

She then walked over to a green car that I wanted to guess was a Beatle.

She got in the drivers seat and rolled the passenger window down.

"Well what you waitin for? Get inside."

I smiled and rushed over to the car and got in and buckled up as she started the car and we drove down the long road.

I smiled at her and she returned it.

As we drove she said "Child I think you and my baby Thomas might get along just perfectly."

And as we drive unbeknownst to me I was about to meet my new family.

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