Bands Anyone?

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After we all had decided it was a very cool idea. I got my notebook and pen while we all walked to sit at the kitchen table.

"Hey Eve," I said while putting the book and pen in front of her. "How about you write everything down that we need to do, and what all we need to get while me and Shane start cooking."

She looked at me like she was a kid and I was giving her a whole cake to eat. We all knew that she would have a ball decorating the place. I knew that this was going to be one Halloween that I would NEVER forget. "Okay. Well for starters we are going to have to have a place for this thing. So start naming places." she said.

Michael sat beside Eve while Shane and I got everything together for tacos. I put the hamburger in the heating skillet on the stove and looked at Eve and Michael.

"What about TPU? I mean there's a lot of room there. I just don't know where we would have it." I said.

"No. Yeah it's big but I don't think it would have any place for a huge dance floor, a stage for Michael and DJ booth too," Eve said looking a little said.

"Yeah, you're right. It's got to have a HUGE space for all of that," said Shane. "So that means Common Grounds is out of the question."

We all were puzzled. The I had an idea. "Hey, what about that place we had to go into a couple of years ago. You remember it was abandoned? We were looking for Eve when she was giving us those clues the whole time. I think it used to be a tire place or something?"

"German's?" said Shane.

"Yeah, that's the place. Why don't we have it there? I mean it's plenty big enough and everyone will have room to park. Plus it won't need too many decorations because it's scary enough as it is. So what do you think?" I said as I drained the hamburger meat then added the seasoning to it. Shane had already put everything else into bowls and was taking them to the table.

"Yeah, that would be really cool. Alright, that is taken care of. How about we eat and then figure something out about a DJ?" Eve said.

"Fine by me," I said as she looked in my direction while I was setting the taco meat on the table and sat down.

"Yeah, I'm starving," both Michael and Shane said in unison.

As I sat down then looked at Eve and said. "Boys...." She finished the sentence for me by adding, "....will be boys."

After supper, me and Shane got off the hook for washing dishes since we cooked. So that meant that Eve and Michael got dishes and some alone time as did me and Shane. I took our dishes and set them in the sink as Shane walked through the kitchen door to the living room. Before I could even sit down, Shane had the game controller in his hands, killing zombies while he laid on the couch.

Before he knew what happened, I cut the game off and then he started letting cuss words fly. I walked over and straddled him on the couch so he couldn't get up.

"What's wrong babe? Thought you were gonna kill a bunch of zombies tonight?" I said.

"Well, that was the plan....unless you have something better to do." He said as his hands went on either side of my waist and pulled me down to him.

"Well when I put my history book up earlier, I thought about it for a bit and finally said that the rest of tonight and tomorrow is gonna be 'Shane & Claire Day' so anything me or you are thinking about doing, we'll just have to do with the other. How does that sound?"

I'm pretty sure that his mind was made up when he put his hand behind my head and pulled it down to him as he started to kiss me. That was a yes, I thought to myself.

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