Attacking The Blockade

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The Sionian Wars

Chapter 2

Attacking The Blockade

Leave? How are we going to do that!? Joshua and Katie exclaimed in unison.

 By using our legs. Look we are some of the most talented fighters in all of Freya. I’m the Princess who wields the Solar blade capable of banishing darkness!

 Katie you’re the dancing swordswoman of death. No one has been able to keep up with your moves. Joshua you’re the legendary spearman who can also go toe to toe with magical martial arts.

 Together we can leave this place and try to change the world! Katie and Joshua thought to themselves for a moment before saying in unison “Princess are you absolutely sure about this?

 Alicia looked down in thought. Katie continued, I mean you realize we’ll be branded as traitors. Freyian troops support you’re father. He’ll have troops hunting us. Not to mention there’s no guarantee that Mylonia and Heara will even give you the time of day.

 They could capture and hold us prisoner… The princess continued to think. Joshua continued from where Katie left off. Besides Alicia… Not to be rude, but you haven’t mastered your blade…

You can’t use your powers that well. We are all great fighters, but if your plan backfires, it’s gonna be us against the world. So I ask again Princess, are you sure about this?

 The princess looked up and said yes! I’m sure! Look I know this is extremely risky, and I know we will be branded as traitors, but I… I can’t just sit idly by and watch the world I love be destroyed by Alexander and those accursed demons…

 I’m not asking you guys to come with me, but I’m going. I’d rather fight and die than sit here and do nothing! The Princess exclaimed as tears fell from her eyes. Katie and Joshua looked at the Princess before smiling and embracing her in a hug.

 What are you talking about? They asked her. We’re family Princess. Where you go, we go without question. We love you and we will fight with you until both our hearts play their last beat.

 So if this is what you want, then we will stand beside you. The princess looked at both of them before returning their hug. Katie… Joshua… Thank you so much! The three stared at each other before the Princess said “Alright! Let’s go! Let’s do our best to save the world!

 Yeah! Joshua and Katie screamed in unison! The three then began their journey to Freya’s border. As they neared their target Joshua asked the Princess “So um… Do you have a plan?”

 “Not really… I mean, we could try and say we’re leaving on the Kings orders, but General Tyrannus would never buy that… The Princess looked down in thought… “Well Katie began, as she drew her sword from it’s sheath, I guess the only thing to do is fight our way through!!!!!”

“She’s right. Let’s go Princess! Joshua said as he drew his spear from it’s sheath on his back. “Alright, but guys, let’s try not to kill any of them Alicia said as she drew the Solar Blade from it’s mystical sheath.

 Also we should disguise ourselves.” The Princess said. “How are we gonna do that?” Katie and Joshua asked. “Leave that to me. Alicia replied. Alicia held her hand out and began to cast a spell.

Hora… Juro… Yana… Luna!!!!! A black light glowed over their bodies before it turned into black cloaks that covered their bodies and faces. These should do!

 They will also offer a bit of protection!” “Wow Princess! Katie and Joshua exclaimed. You’re getting better at magic!”

 “Haha. Thanks! Now… Let’s go!” A Freyian guard looked in surprise as the three came running at the blockade with their weapons drawn. We’re under attack! Sound the alarm! Hello? General Tyrannus! We’re under attack!

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