Getting Prepared and the Diadem

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"It seems that with all your defensive strategies it isn't that tight at all." He said and the door opens to the order stepping. "I would at you have a rather large problem." He said and steps forward toward Sev."How dare you, how dare you stand in the place he once stood." He whips his wand out and shot as spell at Sev and he defended it and disappears, I turn into my human form and walk up to him.
"Harry don't you have something to do?" I asked.
"Yes and what are you going to do?" Harry asked me.
"I have another job that needs taking care of." I said as a voice appears in all our heads.
"you cannot win this battle just give me Harry Potter and Amy Mcgonagall Dumbledore and no innocent blood will be shed. Just give me Potter and Mcgonagall Dumbledore and all this will go away." Voldemort said in our minds then disappeared.
"Well grab them!" Pansy Parkinson yells but no one moves.
"You know pansy not everyone is cruel as you, you know." I said to her and mum steps in.
"Filch please escort the slytherin to thee dungeons, and everybody else follow Amz." She said and everyone cheers. "Even if you want to fight you need to follow her first then if you want you may come back." Not wanting to disagree with mum they all nodded and I walked out and start heading to the R.O.R and we soon are ther to reveal everything that was in my secret room.
"Okay everybody organise into house then by family members, but 7th years come here." I said and the 7th years come up to me and stand around me.
"Okay 7th years who ever is good at potions follow these instructions and get to work because there will be a lot of injuries tonight, 7th years who's good at flying get a broom and fly up in the air so we can fight from above and 7th years who can apperate take a few kids like 2-4 from each of your houses for a group or family member, you will apperate them back home then if you wish to come back you may. We need to get kids out of here safely and this is how we're going to do it any questions?" I said and ask.
"I do how do we get out of here?"
"There is a passage that way that will take you out of here then you'll be able to apperate clearly. Any more?"
"Do we have to take the passage way back to get back here?" Someone asked
"Yes probably okay so go and get you group and I will explain everything again an the other 7years get work on the potions and flying." They all nodded and got to work where they were assigned to. "Okay the 7th years are going to take you home by apperating you so just tell them where you want to go after you get out of this tunnel and they will take you there. Any questions?" I said.
"what if we know are parents at going to fight?"
"You will still go home there's no safer place than there right now so everyone in a single file line in your groups and please go into the passage way and stick together." I said and opened the passage way and they start leaving while they do that I get started on a potion to save Sev. After I'm done I put the potion in the necklace when I'm finished that the malfoys gave to me.
i look to see 7th years coming back and running out of the room with wands raised ready to fight. I walk out of the R.O.R and see Harry coming this way.
"Harry need any help?" I asked.
"Yeah let's go." He said and pulls me back in the R.O.R "You know where the diadem is?"
"Of course follow me." I said and start walking deeper into the room. "If you'd listened to me and not trying to prove me wrong we could of done it faster little bro!" I said and reached for the box once I see the crown I hand it to Harry just as Draco, Crabbe and blaise come around the corner. "Hello Draco, crabbe, Blaise what are you doing here on this night?" I asked and crab and blaise looked shocked and Draco gave me a small smile.
"We are trying to stop you from getting the crown." Crabbe said.
"Well what are you going to do about it then?"I said and they all stand around like idiots and Ron and Mione come round the corner after Jo and Stace.
"Well now that everyone is here what are you going to do?" I said in a calmer voice and me and Harry start backing upto Mione, Ron, Stace ans Jo.  We just keep walking and they don't even try to chase us until we are around the corner and a fire starts "Really Crabbe your going to set the whole room on fire?" I said and used magic water to put its out.
"How did you do that magical fire isn't supposed to go out with water?!" Blaise yelled.
"It was magical water." I yelled back at them as we reach the entrance of the R.O.R. "Harry stab the crown so we can get out of here." I told him and he stabs the crown and chucks it back in the R.O.R just as Draco, Crabbe and Blaise run out and just keep running for their lives.
"Really how doped you do that Amz?" Stace asked.
"My wand is powerful wand it has the 4 founders animals in, kelpie and demiguise hair, birch wood and shipwreck and something else." I said to her.
"Where are we going now?" Jo asked me.
"The boat house." I said and they start walking with me while I decide to use a faster method."You keep walking or running and I'm going to apperate there." Before they could awnser I apparated down ther right outside of the boat house I hear voices.

Harry Potter and Amy Mcgonagall Dumbledore (Deathly Hallows)Where stories live. Discover now