She is an outcast. Her only friend, after her parents died and the incident, can do thing normal people can't. She goes somewhere not many people go to visit, where people go to stay forever. She finds out the family secret. Together they change eve...
I opened my eyes to see that I was alone on my couch. I looked around to see that the room was on fire. I jumped up to run outside, but this big black creature crawled down the stairs and blocked me from the door. I was about to run to the back door when it tackled me to the couch. I started to scream for help, as I screamed the creature got off of me. It lowered it's head then jumped out the window. I looked out it and saw that everything was on fire and that creatures were crawling over everything.
"Welcome to Hell," said a familiar voice. I turned around to see Richard. I ran up to him and quickly hugged him. He hugged me back. My hand touched something feathery and I let go of him. He had wings, he extended them and they shimmered a lite purple. They were very beautiful I then noticed that he was in a leather vest that framed his ton chest. He was wearing his black skinny jeans, his arms looked very muscular. As I was looking at him he was looking around, all of the sudden he grabs my hand and drags me upstairs to my room. I was surprised to see that it wasn't on fire. He closed and locked my door, "Be quite," he said all I did was nod.
He listened through the door, when he was sure we were safe he got up and walked over to me. He made me sit on the bed facing away. "What are you doing?" I asked, the only answer I got was a soft tug on my braid. He handed me my hair tie, and grabbed my hair brush. He un-braided my hair, my natural bleach blond hair fell in my face. he pulled all of it back and started to brush it. Some time later my hair fell into my face again, he put his hand on my head and my hair turned to a crimson color.
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As I'm examining my hair he goes to my closet, which has clothes that I've never seen before, and brings me a wrapped box with a bow. "A present from your mom," he said as he handed it to me. His wings covered his face "Get dressed," he said, I look in the box and pull out a sleeveless crop-top then a short skirt both blood red.
I get dressed blushing the same color as my hair "I'm done," I said not looking at him but into a mirror. He brought his wings down and smiled, he walked over to me and straightened out the skirt then the crop top, my blush just got darker. He split my hair and threw it over my shoulders and put his hand on my back. There was a burning sensation that only got worse till he took his hand off. By that point my eyes were closed "Open your eyes," he said, I opened my eyes to see beautiful black wings, with white tips, with a gold strip on the top of the wings, and when I moved slightly they shimmered a dark red. That's when I saw a pair of leather like wings right behind them.
I moved them slightly, surprisingly they weren't hard to control. "You look so amazing," he said and all I did was blush. He smiled but then it faded, he grabbed my hand and we were out the door as there was a giant explosion. I fell to my knees, Richard just knelt down next to me. "We need to get going, before Cerberus shows up," he said as he helped me up. I stared at what was my house, till I heard a screech. I turned around to see a woman in a long white gown that is covered in blood, her long brown hair that was covered in blood covered her face. She raised her head to show her throat hanging by a vein, her face all scratched up, and her pure white eyes.
She screeched again and held out her hands, Richard walked in front of me and extended his wings. She screeched again and ran. "Sorry about her. She lost her child to a murderer, she then took his life. She went crazy and bathed in his blood. She walked outside of his house and was killed by his dog," he explained. I shuttered a slight bit, then we walked away from the house. We were walking down the street when fire circled around us and over top of us. I grabbed a hold of Richard who wrapped his arms and wings around me.
"My my look how you have grown. My dear little girl," said a familiar voice. I looked up to see man.