Spoof #1

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Graystripe: *singing* fooooood yeah I luv Mah food

Cloudtail: *looks at graystripe and laughs* I can sing better than u cuz all u sing is abt food

Graystripe: go on

Cloudtail: *sings* we, are the crystal gems!

Graystripe: you, not me

Cloudtail: we'll always save the day

Graystripe: go on

Cloudtail: and if you think we can't, we'll always find a way

Graystripe: *mouths to Firestar* gimmie some duct tape

Firestar: *winks*

Cloudtail: believe in, Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl and-

Graystripe: *ties tape around cloudtail's mouth* finally.

A/N: I think I could make a Book called Graystripe Universe! It's kinda like Steven Universe, but in a different way! Mousefur could be Garnet, Squirrelflight can be Amethyst, Bluestar can b Pearl and Graystripe can b Steven (cuz he's fat) comment below if you like the sound of it!

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