Ouiji Nails (Spoopy edition)

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Immediately after Cristine had put on the Ouiji Board nails, she knew this was going to be a special porn. Not exactly knowing how, but somehow...knowing...

A few weeks later she decided it was a perfect time, it had been a new moon and she was feeling extra, well holosexual. A great wind swept her hair as she took out her peeling tool, confirming this peel would be a good one. Thinking without action, she peeled the first nail, the lights flickered. As she started peeling the second, it went completely black. She smirked, even the other side was turned on by the mystical powers of holo. Knowing she needed to continue her dirty deed, as she heard a whisper or moan, either way, it was ghastly and mystical. 

The nail polish almost seemed to peel itself, the intense feeling was amazing. It was almost as if someone was sitting next to her as she sipped her freshly Benn'd* tea. She was disappointed as she got to her last nail, for this was a very exciting thing. Nevertheless, everything has to end. So does this shitty story about nails.

(A/N *1.Fetched by Ben 2.To call Ben in an annoying manner)

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