★Salt Sugar Sanity #1★

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    Eun~Byul walked out of literally the most stereotypical Asian high school anyone could imagine. She exited out of the hell hole itself with her black cat book bag draped over her left shoulder. As if it wasn't clear enough of how done she was, she yawned walking out by the courts.

Coming towards her was the devious twins, Zane and Ace who was currently being pushed away. Ace was nervous from all the people, yet Zane was the last person on earth to give him any sympathy. He still held on anyway "Geez you're so damn obnoxious! I can't believe I have to take care of you all the time." There were so many times where he really wanted to trade him in for a pet monkey since that's about how smart Ace was in his opinion. He murmured under his harsh breath.

"Could you talk ANY louder?! You are interrupted my not giving a flying f*ck" Eun~byul huffed.

Zane was started and very annoyed that someone actually had the nerve to talk to him like that. "Huh Excuse me?!" He yelled out with an eyebrow curiously raised, determined to find the owner of that daring voice. "Who the hell. . ."

With a smirk on her face, Eun~Byul looked down "Up here shorty! Can you see me from so close to the ground? I know I know, Five foot Nine sure is a lot for you to look up at"

"Oh that does it!" He snapped like a vicious dog. His face grew red with rage. "I get it! I'm a midget" Eun-Byul was laughing quietly so no one heard her. "Awe you look like a fire engine. Maybe the shortie behind you can calm done his salty boyfriend."

Ace's face grew blank as his eyes widened. He instantly let go of Zane. "That- that's my brother! H-he isn't my boyfriend cause I'm his twin. "

Eun had her smile still spread ear to ear "Whoops I just assumed seeing that you both look gayer than a drag queen mixed with a butch lesbian. " She clicked her tongue against her teeth tsking " Tsk tsk tsk. Give your mom my best wishes! I admire her for having not one but 2 dwarfs live inside of her. Have you ever even grown since?"

"Damn you sure are a brutally honest one aren't ya?" He narrowed his eyes on her before rolling them. "But ya know the best thing about being this short?" He leaned in a bit closer. "I'm closer to hell," Zane smirked.

"Also means you are closer to the dog shit on the ground! Oh, look you even look just like it" She sassily flipped her coffee brown hair out of her face.

"Woah how original of you!" He sighed crossing his arms over his chest.

"You of all people have no room to talk about originality when you literally have a walking copy and paste that walks behind you."

"Ah-well " He paused for a brief moment glancing at his own brother who was nervously smiling back at him. "I mean I guess you got me there. . ."

"So what are your names? Disappointment one and two?" Zane turned to her. "Pfft I wish. This is Ace and I'm yours truly, Zane." He gestured to himself.

"Ace... as in the Band? AOA, Ace of Angels. Or like Ace as in... asexual?"

"Well, this kid is far from an angel" Zane chuckled. "If he is an angel well then I'm the ruler of the world!"

"I kinda got that from the whole 'Closer to Hell' thing."

"Anyway since you two CLEARLY aren't the height of whatever you two actually are, how old are you? From looking at the two of you two, I'd say you're like what? Ten?"

"Oh shut up! I'm 16!" Eun giggled before looking at him scruffing his hair. "Does a big'ol 17-year-old scare you?"

"Don't you touch me you-" He hissed as he tried to swat her hand away. Eun-Bee not caring repeated the motion. "Whatcha gonna do about it?"

"STOP!" He hissed again as he balled his hand into a fist.

"Even if you hit me I probably wouldn't even flinch. Anyway, you two are about as entertaining as a pile of sticks. Honestly is there anyone duller than you?"

"Hey, I'm not dull! At least I don't think I am-" He paused as he heard footprints nearby. "I bet you that the next person to walk up past us will be even duller!"

"Him?" Eun Raised her eyebrow.

"Yeah" He turned around to look at the boy. He was much taller than Ace and from the looks of it, pure muscle. He gazed up at the boy standing near them. "Okay, what the hell is up with everyone being a freaking tree. "

"Uh, what did in the world did I intrude on?"

"Intrude? Eun puffed out her chest acting regal talking in a 'ye old accent' "Why madam! In what occurrence have I intruded on. When were you born, 1920?"

"Huh, oh I see." He stared her down before letting out a slight laugh. "Pardon me, ma'am, it seems that little ol' me hasn't caught up with these here times." He then pretended to tip his imaginary hat.

Although she wanted to keep a stern face, she couldn't help but laugh. "At least you are taller than these two twin tantrum toddlers! Woah that was a lot of T's. How tall even are you?"

"Toddlers?" He looked at Ace and Zane, who looked like someone had broken his favorite toy, and busted out in laughter. "I see where the name comes from! Anyways I'm about 5'6 maybe even 5'7'."

"Awe I'm even taller than you! Well 5'9, but still." She patted his head like she had done to Zane.

"You know it's actually strange how many of my buddies are short. The majority of them are so small."

"I never met a single person taller than me!" Eun's lips shifted into a frown.

"I'm sure someone out there is taller than you. Who knows you might stumble upon them. Maybe even literally." Eun looked around to spot anyone over 5'9. "Nope, I see no one."

"Well, you never know when you'll find one! They're like giraffes. Kinda hard not to see." He smirked.

"I am NOT a giraffe. I'm more like uh. . . well, an emu!"

"An emu. . . .? " He raised an eyebrow. " Isn't that a bird or something?" Eun~Byul made the sound effects of an Emu "KEKEKEKEKE! You know the huge aggressive bird?"

"Ohhhh those things. I always imagined that they were the type to come charging at you going 'SQUAK SQUAK." Full force Eun~Byul headbutt him in the chest. "Like that?" 

He stumbled a bit back. "Ooof!" He chuckled. "Yeah just like that."

Eunbyul sighed. "Maybe they are so angry and aggressive because they have no arms to hug with. Hugs make everything feel alright." She hugged Desmond pretending to have small little arms. Desmond smiled at her. "Woah! Mr. Tough guy smiles!"

"Yeah it's only on very rare occasions, Don't get to use to it!"

Eun laughed just as she had been, faint and obviously fake.

"Good thing your laugh doesn't sound like a stereotypical fake girly girl laugh."

"What! This IS my real laugh.. ahuhahuh...huh" She awkwardly laughed.

"I can't tell if you are messing with me or being completely and utterly serious."  

"Does this face look like its joking?" She stared at him lifelessly.

He shuttered trying to change the subject.  " Well anyway... I'm Desmond so ya  nice to meet ya!"

Eun smirked, "Ah-men, so easy to trick aren't they ?"

                                                                         ★To be Contiuned★

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