Chapter 1 ♦

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"Your not a kid anymore AJ, so don't do stupid things you usually do in Seoul. People here are different from city so becareful to your action, understand?" He said, I just nodded "And one more thing" He added.

"What?" I forrowed my eyebrows.

"No girlfriends, girls here are conservative and innocent. And if happened you like someone here, don't play her heart" Dad remineded made me laughed.

"Hahahaha!!!! Are you serious Dad?" I said still laughing.

"Yes Im serious"

"There's nothing to worry about me having a girls here Dad, I assure you that will never happened. I dont like innocent girl. Im not like you, province girl are not my type, eww" i said and pretend puke.

"Yah! Even if Samantha is from province, your Mom is the most beautiful girl here"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah"

"You will eat your word AJ, maybe they are not your type but there's a lot of beautiful girls here"

"Tsk" i hissed and he just laughed

"Be a good boy" he said and patted my head.

"Dad!" I whined, he just laughed.

"Sorry, I mean be a good girl. Well, I need to go now. Samantha, please take good care of our daugther" He turned to Mrs. Chen, well I call her by last name. I never address her as my Mom, it's not that i dont want to call her Mom. It's just, it's so awkward.

"Don't worry Marco, i will take good care of Amber" She answered him, i flinched when she said my first name. Dad hugged me before he left.

"Uhmm.... just call me Aj, im not use to call by my first name. Just Aj" i said to her before i went inside first.

I look around the house, it's all made wood. The house is really simple and small unlike like our house in Seoul, but i like the smell of wood, it's really refreshing. The thing i like here in province is the clean air, no polution.

"Amber i mean Aj, are you hunggry? Do want to eat something?" She asked.

"Im not hunggry. Where's my room? Im tired, I want to rest"

"Come here" she lead me the way.

"This is my room?!" I asked suprised.

No aircon, no bed. Only closet, pillows and last, it's too small!

"I'm sorry AJ. Don't worry , I'll buy new comporter and electric fan if you want"she apologized.

*sighed* "No, i think im fine with this"

How can i survive here? I really want to go home now....


*Knock! Knock*

"AJ?" Mrs Chen said.

I opened my door and she smile at me.

"It's dinner time, Grandama and your cousins are looking for you" she said.

"Grandma? Cousins?" I asked confusingly, i dont remember them. The last time i went here is when im just 10 years old? I guess.

"Yes, they are really excited to meet you again. Let's go?"



"AJ/Coz/Dude!" They shouted in chorus.

"AJ, this is your cousins, Sulli and Key, they are siblings. And also, this is Grandma Chen" Mrs Chen introduced them.

"My Grand daughter" Grandma said and hugged me tightly. Sulli and Key wave at me i just wave back

"Grandpa Chen is not here. But you'll meet him soon" Mrs. Chen said.

"Your very beautiful and handsome one. Come AJ, let's eat" Grandma Chen dragged me.

"This is grilled native chicken, vegetables, fish blah blah blah." Grandma said and serve me different food.

I just mouthed 'wow'. A lot of vegetables and fishes. I only eat the grilled native chicken, i dont eat vegetable and dried fish they are taste horrible.

"AJ, come with us tommorow, were going to attend mass, since it's Sunday" Grandma said.

"What time?"

"5am" she said. I almost spit the water in my mouth because of what she just said.

"5 am?! Are you serious?!" I asked

"Ofcourse, is there something wrong?" She asked like it's nothing.

Hello? Im not a morning person. I usually woke up around ten to eleven in the morning.

What the hell!

"Nothing" I just shooked my head.

"So are you coming?" Key asked

"Yes" like I have a choice.

"It I'll be fun for sure. After mass were going to Grandpa and Grandma's place and I'll introduce you to my friends" Sulli said.

"Sure" i just answered but im not really interested meeting new people, especialy here in province.


I woke up 4:30 in the morning feeling heavy. I think i cant feel my back anymore. This is actualy the first time I slept in the floor only using compoter. But the good thing is, the temperature here is much colder than i expected, you don't need to use aircon.

We arrived at the church almost 6:00 am in the morning, late for the first mass because of me. I dont know how to start wash myself, because they dont even have a heater in the bathroom.

Everyone is staring at me weirdly, I dont know why. Maybe because im from city? Or because of my look? Well, im cool. Or maybe because im handsome? Hehehe.

In the middle of the mass, people are quit. They focus of what the priest says. Im with Grandma Chen, Mrs. Chen, Key and Uncle Ben, Sulli and Key's father. Sulli seperate with us, she said she's going to her friends.

I start to feel bored, this is why i hate going this kind of place. I just roamed my eyes around the church, amazed like this is the first time i went here. The truth is, i dont really remember when is the last time i attend mass.

I stoped my gazed when I noticed Sulli standing straight at the side of the altar. She's a quar member? I bet she's a good singer. They started to sing when the pianoist play the closing song. I turned my attention to the girl who is also singing next to Sulli. She has a pale skin, but you can tell that she is beatiful.

'Tsk!' I hissed when i noticed her look 'The province girl style' she's pretty but her looks is.......... nevermind. I just focus my attention at the priest. I dont know why but i found myself staring at her again.

This girl may look old fashioned but she is different. She is beautiful that everyone looked at her with admiration. But not me, i just said she is beautiful............still not my type.

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