I wake up from the 'nap' oh my fucking-it's 7 and school starts in 7:30.I got up and quickly got ready, I stormed out and turn on the car.I drove to the schools parking and,good it's 2 minutes to 30.As I was looking for a classroom to my subject I saw Harry,he was leaning against one of the walls and smirking at me.Well shit.
"Late Roberts?"
"Shut up,bye"
I runned to the classroom,you could basically hear his laught to here.It's contageous so I smiled a little.I entered the room and everyone had their eyes on me.I gave them 'alright I'm here ya'll so shut the fuck up' look.I got to my seat and teacher was shook at my behaviour.
"Emily,why are you late?"
"I don't know,I feel asleep sorry"
Whole class was trying not to burst out of laughter,and shit me too cause this teacher that we have from health class is fucking hilarious,the way he looks.
"Look,good thing is I came here"
I have no idea where I got this attitude from.
"Emily,stop with this behaviour or else I'll send you to principals office"
"Okay,okay whatever sorry just being honest"
What is up with me?I started to laugh out loud and the class was with me.
"That's it.Office.Now"
He points at the door,and I got up still smiling from this bullshit that just happened.Like this dude seriously can't deal with us so why the fuck is he working here damn..
"It's a suprise to see you here Emily"
Principle says.
"Yeah,mr.Yohman sent me to you because I was late and I apologized"
She giggles.
"Wow,well..He has quick tempor-"
Someone enters in the room,fucking Harry,it's like he follows me or some shit.I roll my eyes.
"Hi Judy,sorry to interrupt you but I was just wondering is the meeting still in thursday or?"
"Oh hi Harry,yes it is"
She smiles at him and bites her lip.This bitch.I mean she isn't young,she's 35 and for her age she looks kinda young,well thanks to obvious plastic surgeries.Dirty blonde hair,blue eyes and botched face.She's a new here too;but not too new actually.She works here for about a year cause mr.Ian retired,such a great dude.I don't like her at all,such a fake bitch.
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I sweare if she touches him in one wrong way or becomes 'too friendly' with him I'mma end her,I don't care.
"Alright thank you,bye"
He looks uncomfortbale I can tell.She just keeps her smile where her fake big lips and teeth show.
"Isn't he something..Great teacher"
"Yeah,cool can I leave now?"
I'm fed up of her as you can tell.
"Yes,you can,wait..Why were you hear again?"
She smiles at herself.
"I have no idea"
I fake smiled and she laughs at herself.
"Alright,you can leave now"
I left that room immediately and saw Harry sitting on a bench that was close to her office.Looking all puzzled.