Lock Picking

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"Now who here can tell me the properties of a bezoar stone? Anyone?" The shout of the new Potions Master is barely audible over the buzzing sounds of the delinquents all around her. Tyresisus has just conjured birds, wandlessly at that. Salem's School for Troubled Wizarding Teens believed in wandless theoretical work. Also known as, the delinquents who populated this place could not be trusted wielding wands lest they take out their angst on unsuspecting professors.

Tyresius was a genius. Ahead of everyone in the fifth year summer program,wandless magic was no issue to him. He whispered to his partner Stella Winters, "What are the odds we can fly out of here on these birds?"

Stella snorted. "Quite slim I'd say Ty. Perhaps we'd have a better shot at taking out Graves' eyes?"

"Quite right you are Winters, but you know that would be a few years in Azkaban."

She shrugged perhaps Azkaban had a better ambience than this place.

"Well I'm going with or without you. Pass me the birds?"

He shook his head but reached his hand out anyway. She felt the magic controlling the birds travel up her arm and invigorate her with a once dormant power.

And suddenly there was absolutely no one paying attention to Ms. Graves because the girl with violet eyes had birds whipping her auburn hair into a frenzy as she floated just inches above the ground.
"So long losers. I'll be seeing some of you in Azkaban. Ty, be sure Skeeter gets the real story, will you?"

With an "Aye aye captain," and a mock salute from Ty. Stella let rhe birds whoosh her down the corridor. Before reaching the exits, with Ms. Graves only minutes behind her, she swung a left towards the broom closet off the front entrance where the headmaster locked away their wands.

Opening the door was near impossible without Alohamora or a wand, so she opted for the no-maj way she had seen on a television. She threw all of her body weight into the door. With each resounding thud she became more certain that her efforts were futile. Her mental preparation for her next run at the door was interrupted by the light clearing of a throat.

She winced. "Goblin's breath."

"Dear me I hope my breath it is not that terrible. I was sure to have brushed up this morning."

She slowly turned to the owner of the wizened voice.

The first thing she saw was a long white beard tucked smartly into a pair of navy dress robes. The half moon spectacles we unmistakable, she had seen them enough times on all of the chocolate frogs she regularly inhaled. There in the flesh, about to reprimand her, was Albus Dumbledore.

"So let me get this striaght. This whole time I could've been learning at Hogwarts, but my parents put me at Beauxbatons? You know that place is responsible for me being here right?"

"Well you seem to have gotten the gist of it Ms. Winters, however I believe your pranking tendencies not the uh school are what landed you in this uh facility." Dumbledore replied with a light smile. He was sure not to be too forthcoming with my current headmaster sitting with us in his office.

"By facility you mean prison?"

"Ms. Winters you watch your mouth!" Barked Johnson.

Her response was blowing hair from her eyes.

"Mr. Johnson, Ms. Winters is entitled to her opinion. Do you deny that your complex takes certain restrictive measures against its students?"

"Our school maintains the needs of our parents to make sure that their problem children do not destroy Wizarding Society as we know it. Can't you see the services we do for our beneficiaries?"

"I daresay allowing children to make their mistakes and discover who they want to be is something we pride ourselves on at Hogwarts. Believe me there are some parents at my establishment who might appreciate their child's enrollment here," Dumbledore simmered. "But when they'd realize that their children's imaginations are constricted, I think they'd much rather take to letting their as you have called them 'delinquents' run around the Forbidden Forest."

"You let people into the Forbidden Forest?" Stella queried.

"Now Ms. Winters if I let people into the forest would I have to call it forbidden?"

That shut her up, but as Mr. Johnson turned towards the window, Dumbledore winked at her.

"Well Mr. Dumbledore I do appreciate you bringing attention to this ward's attempting to run off. She will be dealt with accordingly. Now whatever business you came here to discuss I will be happy to talk about. Ms. Winters, go to the punishment hall."

"Oh that won't be necessary sir. You see Ms. Winters is my business. She'll be coming with me to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

"She will be doing no such thing! She is under my school's care and will stay here unless her parents say otherwise."

"Well then I believe you find this letter agreeable to your needs for parental consent." Dumbledore seemingly pulls a letter from beneath the layers of his beard and Stella's hope is suddenly lifted.

Could she finally be leaving this retched place?

"And this is from her parents?"

"Who else would it be from?"

"Very well then. Ms. Winters go pack your things."

"What things? You don't let us keep anything here. Oh and I'll be needing my wand Mr. Johnson." Johnson was beet red at her accusation that wasn't far from the truth. They were allowed a small parcel with two changes of clothing and the bare necessities. It was part of the school's reform ideals, meant to break down their student's morale.

With a flick of Dumbledore's wand all of Stella's belongings were laid out before her.

"Well if this is everything Ms. Winters, would you please take a hold of my arm? We'll be apparating and we'll have to make a few stops. The distance to London is much too far for one big leap."

The thought of multiple side apparitions made Stella sick.

"There's no way we could fly?"

"I'm afraid I haven't enough galleons with me for the tickets." He grimaced. "Besides we need to get you to Diagon Alley before the start of term. Take my arm Ms. Winters."

And with that, Stella felt her body being torn from her navel.

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