Chapter 1: No Such Thing as Ghosts

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B-Gone, Intruders!

Written by Lampi01

Notice: The Brave Little Toaster and its characters belong to Mr. Jerry Rees. This story is dedicated to the characters at the Parts Shop scene and the song It's a B-Movie. Only a few original characters belong to me and some of the names of the appliances. If there are any similarities of a characters name based on another story this is just coincidental. Feel free to draw, use these awesome characters in your own mix up, and spread the word about these guys! Just make sure you give me credit please. If you want to see any of your characters make a cameo in an upcoming story, just PM or post in a review their appearance, character traits, and how they would react to the others in these stories. I really appreciate all your support and reviews for my first of many stories. Enjoy the Fanfiction in good health... While you still can... Heheheh! Sincerely, Lampi01

In loving memory of Phil Hartman, the voice actor for the crazy, yet kind, Peter Lorre Hanging Lamp.

Chapter 1: No Such Thing as Ghosts

On a hot evening in the middle of July, way up a twisted, winding road, sat an old Parts Shop.

Being on the outskirts of 'The City of Light,' the little shop was overshadowed. It gained hardly any attention when it was open. The gear shaped sign, having the word 'Parts' engraved into it, was starting to rust. People started to debate if they should demolish the 'Worthless' building or put something more 'Cutting Edge' in its place.

The shop's owner, Elmo Saint Peters, had abandoned the store three decades ago. He was quirky, jovial man and was impossible to be disliked by anyone.

Unless they weren't human...

Outside of the store, two policemen, along with the city mayor, were investigating the old shop. According to many people who had walked by the store at three, singing had been heard from inside. Thinking it was the shop's owner, officials, detectives, and even old friends of Elmo Saint Peters himself went into the back room. But no one was in there... Just old, worn out appliances...

And a gray green hanging lamp.

There had been several bizarre stories for the past thirty years about the shop being infested with ghosts... Most in which involved the hanging lamp in the back room.

But what was so creepy about a lamp or old electrical appliances? They weren't alive...

Or were they?


A third policeman frantically bolts out of the shop's front door in a state of panic. He bumps into the mayor and the two topple over.

"Jimmy!" the mayor shouted, rubbing his head. "What the heck is wrong with you?! You nearly sent me flying to Mars!"

"S-s-sorry, Mayor Quimby!" Jimmy stuttered.

"Wow man," laughed one of the policemen. "Next time, bring a spare pair of pants."

Jimmy gave him an unamused glare. He didn't go inside!

"Don't mind him!" said the other policeman. "Ya look like ya just saw the ghost!" He helped Jimmy up off the concrete. "Was it the lamp?"

"I-I-I don't want to talk about it, Carl..." Jimmy shuddered.

"Ya sure?" Carl questioned anyway.

"Oh come now!" Mayor Quimby hopped to his feet. "You know there are no such thing as ghosts! I understand that there have been complaints about this particular shop, but I assure you there is nothing to be afraid of! Now then... Earl?"

Earl, the policeman who made fun of Jimmy, grew quiet.

"I want you to march into that shop and confirm that there is nothing abnormal about it!"

Earl was completely frozen. He didn't want to go in there!

"Do you have a problem with something?"

"Uh, no! Nothing! It's just..."

"Just what?"

"Didn't you hear?" Earl said in a low voice. "People who have gone into that shop were never the same when they came out... They said those appliances were alive..." Earl started shaking. "I'm a strong man, Mayor Quimby, but I refuse to lose my sanity like Elmo Saint Peters!"

"I've had enough of this nonsense!" Mayor Quimby impatiently interjected. "You're off the force!"

With a huff, he started to march into the front door of the abandoned store.

"Good thing re-elections start next week." Earl chuckled nervously.

"Should we do somethin'?" Carl questioned.

The three policemen agreed to go after Mayor Quimby.

As soon as they reached the entrance...

"Oh Jiminy Crickets!" Mayor Quimby screamed from inside. He flew out the shop similar to Jimmy earlier. "The back room is haunted!"

With this, the mayor and three policemen ran away as fast as they could from the building.

Once they were clear out of sight, the front door to the Parts Shop slowly opens...

And an eye peeps out.

"Heehee! It worked!"

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