Drrr!! Kyohei kadota x kenny(my character)

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Authors Note:

I used my character kenny in this, sorry if it's confusing, but if you like it please coment, vote (etc.) :) comment for second chapter



~Kenny's POV~

Hi, my name is Kenny and I'm here on a job, well my new job... I 'was' an assassin for the government, but they sent me here to japan permanently in what they call 'Gang Havoc City' or in other words, Ikebukuro. I'm here to stop the gang wars, not to stop the gangs though, just the wars... I know I won't fit in here, I don't think anyone that has really long pure white hair, pale skin, bright mint colored eyes that always wears sweatshirts and jeans could fit in. Plus! I'm obviously American even though Im fluent in Japanese. I have to play the role of a high school girl even though I'm 19, yes I know I'm not that old and I say I was a government assassin, but it's true, my mother died right after she gave birth to me. My father was in the navy seals and didn't know how to raise a child, so when I was 4 he started to train me, by the time I was 10 I could have snuck through the entire White House unseen and undetected, and assassinated the president without mercy. But that would go against my entire life's training, so they gave me a job of assassinating people that the government finds to be a threat, so that has been my job for 9 years. I can fit into society with changing my personality, but my looks make me stand out. But I do have advantages like a free house and a job on the streets for money with an invitation to join every gang here in Ikebukuro.


~still Kenny's POV~

It was a Monday at 9:43pm when I stepped off the subway and worked my way through the crowd then up the steps to ground level. It was already dark out, I saw many beautiful lights and tall buildings. I followed the map I had to my house, it's in an ally and it's not a big house, but it was cozy. It had internet, a fireplace, a ceiling fan, a washer and dryer, a dishwasher, a fridge, and a small bathroom with a shower.

After I got settled in I decided to go out to eat because they gave me $500, or ¥51073 to start with and it was only 10:00. I looked around and found a place called 'Russia Sushi'. It sounded good and the polite tall Black Russian man named Simon said it was cheap. Simon showed me to my table and I ordered the cheapest tray of sushi. Across from me I saw 5 guys and 3 girls all talking and laughing, I smiled wondering what it would be like to even have one good friend like that. I saw a guy with slick brown hair looking at me and then smile, it looked like he had a slight blush, but then he looked back at his friends after one yelled "SCORE!! SCORE!!"

I looked down at my phone which I held in my hands that were resting on the table and looked at a picture. Since I had no need for a phone on my old missions I never had my own phone. My father gave me his old phone that only and two pictures and some numbers I would use in case of an emergency. I looked at the pictures, one was of my mother, and the other was me and my father smiling and holding up my target for my throwing knife training when I was 8 years old.

Without noticing, a tear dripped down my face as I put the phone away. Simon came with my sushi and said "here, eat sushi and have tea, it cheer you up" I looked up at his smiling face, "thank you, I will" I said wile wiping away the tear. After Simon left and I started to eat, a guy with raven black hair and a fuzzy jacket slid in next to me and put his arm around me, I ignored him. He looked at me and with a smirk on his face said "what's your name, I haven't seen you around town, my name is Izaya Orihara" he took his arm from around me. "Hhmmm, a quiet one hu-"

"IIIIIZZZZZZAAAAAAAYYYYYAAAAAA!!!!!" Said an angry voice from the door "nice meeting you, gotta run" izaya said, before he could get up i pushed him off the seat for annoying me. I heard laughter, then he quickly got up and ran out the door obviously pissed and a little humiliated. Simon stopped the tall angry blond guy before he could punch Izaya, but Simon pushed them both in front of the entrance.

I finished eating, payed, then said "I'm already sick of this *sigh*" I walked to the door where Simon and the angry blond guy were fighting, I lightly pushed them just enough for me to get through,everyone starred wide eyed at me, even that group of friends I saw before. But I just walked out like nothing happened and went home.

~Kyohei's POV (same time as Kenny's POV)~

Kida decided to return and as a welcome home 'gift' for him and Saki after there long 'vacation' was to get everyone together and go to Russia Sushi, so we did. Walker, Erika, saburo, anri, mikado, and I met up with them there. We were all having a great time. Out of the corner of my eye I saw an interesting (but strangely attractive) girl looking at as, then she smiled, Kida glanced at me, then joked "ooOOoo, looks like dotachin's got a crush *wink,wink*" I blushed a little "SCORE!! SCORE!!" Walker and Erika said at the same time, I looked back at them "sh-shut up you guys, a-and would you stop calling me that!". "Looks like she's crying" Anri said "she's ok now, Simon cheered her up" mikado said. "Oh great, looks like Izaya got to her first" said Kida, "not really" said saki, "look, she's not talking to him". "Guess she's safe then" saburo said sarcasticly. "IIIIIZZZZZZAAAAAAAYYYYYAAAAAA!!!!!" "EEEEEEEEEE!!!! SHIZU-CHAN AND IZAYA-CHAN" Erika fangirled. *kenny pushed Izaya out of the chair* *everyone burst in laughter* I couldn't help it, that WAS really funny "wow who knew Izaya would fall so easily!" Said Walker. *Simon blocks Shizuo* "Why would Shizuo even think about fighting in Simon's work place?" I said. "Dotachin! Your future wife is leaving" walker joked *kenny pushes them* at that moment even I couldn't help but be surprised, my jaw instantly dropped along with everyone else's and my eyes widened in astonishment. "Wow"I said "woah, dotachin... SHES AMAZING!" Erika said. I snapped back to reality, not really sure if that really happened. I just comprehended what Erika said "she is, BUT STOP CALLING ME DOTACHIN!!" After that we finished eating whatever was left and all went home.

Drrr!! Kyohei kadota x kenny(my character)Where stories live. Discover now