My God

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I slapped the cup out of her hand and then her face. I grabbed my bag and ran Freyja followed trying to catch me. I was crying softly until I reached my car.

I got my gym bag out of the trunk and put on my nike pros, which didn't hide my figure, at all. Accompanied by a white v-neck and made my way to my third class. 

When seated I got my phone out and fixed my makeup and then put my head down waiting for the bell. Why did she do that I didn't even know her. She's just jealous. Whispered my sub conscious and I nodded in agreement. Next thing I knew the bell ring and the class room filled, once again. 

Freyja was not to be seen after the incident and I felt all alone. 

"Pssst" came from the person sitting to my left.

I looked up to see it was one of them. The people who stood there watching it happen to me, none the less laughing as she did it. Some even dared to cheer.

"Come to laugh at me some more?" I snapped at him.

His deep blue eyes looked surprised causing his lightly tanned forehead to crinkle in confusion. "What? No. I wanted to apologize for not stopping her. You looked really good today too." 

I scoffed. "No you just came to mock me and see just how much you can hurt me. God I don't even know you're name and you are already bullying me."

"My name is Theon, first and foremost. I didn't come to laugh at you I'm in this class to and even though you aren't ready to accept my apology, Persephone. I do apologize and I hope we can be friends." 

I rolled my eyes "You'd have to prove to be worthy of my friendship, Theon." I said the last word with intensity. He grinned.

" Listen here class before we even start talking about what my course contains, first things first. I am going to partner you up for the rest of the semester. Your partner and you are responsible for presenting a completely detailed and interactive display about one time period of history. No, you can't choose your partners. Here it goes. 

Jessie and Nate you will do the 1920's 

Ken and Naomi 1940's" 

She continued on and I lost interest

" Persephone and Theon, in essences of your names you'll do ancient Greece. You will put your desk together with your partner and work out the details for the rest of the period." 

I was angry that she would assign us together because our names were from that time period. Curse my parents and they're love of greek mythology. I look up from my desk to see that Theon positioned his desk so that it faces mine and he had a wide smile across his face.

"Ok so I need to get an A on this so I think we should put what happened in the cafeteria behind us and move forward." He asked with a sense of pleading in his eyes. 

I sighed " Fine, ok so we both need to do our research and pick out what we want to do. Before you even think of any stories. I claim the story behind my name, Persephone the queen of the underworld myth. Ok?" 

He nodded in agreement. " Ill come to your house after school so we can work together for a couple of hours. Can I see your phone, please?"  Again with those eyes those damn eyes that I can't say no to.

I sighed grabbing my bag and taking out my phone and he took out his with a look of excitement in his eyes. We swapped phones and I added myself as a contact I though it would be funny to put 'Queen of the Underworld' as my contact name. I smirked and handed him back his phone and he handed me mine. 

"God, really? Little narcissistic don't you think?" I asked.

"Well my Queen." I liked him calling me that. 

"Do you know what Theon means?" He asked while raising his eyebrows.

" Godly, as in God like. So if you're living up to your names title as the queen of the underworld I might as live up to my name so yes. God" He said proudly.

"Sorry if I offended you my god." He began to blush.

" See you at seven Persephone?" He said smiling.

" Fine Theon, if you insist." Holding back my smile as I said it. 


The rest of school flashed by and my first full school day was over. I quickly left as to avoid running into them. I knew I would be coming home to an empty house but it was still home. My parents ran a pharmaceutical company which meant they were always in D.C. to lobby for there drugs, I still don't get why they wanted to move. Anyways they will be there for three months and today was the first time of my alone time.

I open the front door and plop my bag against the dark mahogany door and go to my favorite room in the house, the kitchen. The marble counter tops where complemented with white cabinets and cupboards. I looked through the fridge and realized I needed to go shopping, I end up eating dry cereal. I go up the dark hardwood floor stairs and into my room. It was painted dry with some Harry Potter quotes painted on the walls, I was obsessed.

Around six I go and jump in the shower and through on a pair of jeans and a shirt with The Maurders Map on it and go down stairs. I through my hair into a disheveled bun and put my glasses on to lazy put in contacts. There was a knock on the door and I go to open it and Theon was standing there with his slightly darker skin, broad shouldered and muscles rippling under his baseball tee shit. Towering over me at a great 6'4 while I was barely 5'4, intimidating. 


 Muttered my sub conscious and I couldn't say I disagreed. 

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