Chapter 2: The Book, the Pouch, and the Ring

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Walking through the temple with Azazul was a much different experience than when Brittany had first walked through it. After his revival, Azazul had completely fixed the temple and as such the place was much cleaner and full of light then it had been before.

"This place is actually pretty beautiful in an old sort of way," Brittany commented as they walked down a flight of stairs.

"I would agree," Azazul replied. "So to answer your question from earlier, where you will end up once you go through the portal, I have no idea, unfortunately. When an Initiate chooses to walk the path I usually see a little of their fate in the Grand Tapestry. Sometimes I see a little of what they will do or who they will become, but for you, I am afraid I see nothing. Despite that, I can assure you that wherever you go you will be able to help others and that will be the most important thing you can do. No matter what, never turn away someone in need. Even if the tasks you come up upon seem small or insignificant take part and always remember that the smallest choices can affect your life and path later on. One thing you must remember is that by going through the portal you are choosing to live by the Guardian's Code of Honor. As one chosen by Fate you are bound to help and protect the innocent and restore the balance. Remember the choices you make will have consequences and if you choose wrong you will experience the consequences."

"So basically I can't screw up," Brittany said.

"Something like that yeah," Azazul replied, "Oh and just because you are chosen does not mean you will succeed, remember you can get hurt and die just like a normal person."

"I had a feeling that was the case," Brittany said sighing.

"Yes, but as one chosen you will be stronger than most especially if you learn to use the magic that lives on inside of you. Plus I am going to be giving you a few things that will help you on the journey."

"Like what?" Brittany asked. "And what do you mean there is magic inside of me?"

"I'll show you." Azazul said as they stopped in front of a door, "This is the entrance to my personal living quarters. In here I have many Items that I acquired on my adventure when I walked the Hero's Path."

The room that the entered was quite spacious, there were several shelves mounted to the walls that held various objects, one of which that captured Brittany's attention, it was a floating ball that appeared to be on fire, but the fire was all blue. Besides the shelves filled with cool things, there was a desk with a large book open on it and several other shelves that held scrolls. Lastly, on the far right there was a small bed and beside it was a locked wooden chest.

As Azazul walked towards the wooden chest he spoke "As for your other question, we all have a little bit of magic within each of us, though some have more than others. When you go through the Portal of Heroes you will be endowed with a gift of power. It is up to Fate as to what powers you might receive and how much. As for what that might be you will might never find out, but suffice it to say that you will be stronger at magic than most others you encounter even when just beginning to learn it."

"So...I will learn magic in this new world?" Brittany asked, still kinda new to the whole idea.

"Most likely, though probably not right away," Azazul said as he unlocked the chest and reached inside. "When you first get there you will have to rely on other things to get through obstacles you might face. Though once you do learn magic it can make things easier."

"So what magic can you do?" Brittany asked.

"Quite a lot actually," Azazul replied as he grabbed a few items from the chest, put them in a sack and motioned for Brittany to sit down. "Though the ways I learned to do magic might be quite different than the ways you may learn how to, in whatever world you go to." Sitting down he continued, "Putting that aside though, I have several things that I wish to give you. Things that I made myself with my own magic."

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