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A/N: wow look at that, I actually came through :) I really love this book a lot but it's been ongoing for almost a year so I'm kinda set on finishing it soon. Enjoy!!


Cool blue lights illuminated the top of the winding staircase I climbed on. Somehow, despite the strobe lights and loud music, this place carried such a negative and depressing energy. It made me remember why I never come up here.

The trainer's box.

This tiny, cramped rectangle attempting to mask the odors of desperation, loneliness, and withdrawl with cheap drugstore cologne was exactly what it sounded like.

A private space for JJ and I to hang out and watch the Games away from the rest of the Capitol madness.

As irritating as Capitol folk could get, I always preferred the madness over the isolation. Something about walking up the stairs and standing outside made me feel out of place. I love going out and participating in the action, as much as I disagree with the entire concept of the Games.

JJ, on the other hand, never seemed to leave this place. He's never been much of a social being. We're working on that.

Smoke billowed out of the doorway and directly into my face as I walked into the box. When the gray smog finally cleared, I saw JJ sitting on the sofa with a cigarette hanging sadly from his chapped lips.

With no words, I fanned away the smoke, carelessly plopping down next to JJ on the long, wide sofa cushion.

"Fancy seeing you here," he said dully. "You're always off with those Capitol people.. it's like you're becoming one of them."

"Well 'those Capitol people' aren't very sympathetic," I mumbled. "I needed to find a place to cope... Besides, you seem a little lonely."

"Aren't I always?"

"Light me up," I slurred, pointing to the pack of cigarettes and lighter in JJ's hand.

JJ curled in his lips to hold his cigarette in place as he flicked open his lighter, drawing out a steady flame. He touched the end of a cigarette lightly to the flame head and let it smolder for a few seconds before handing it to me.

As I took my first few puffs, I looked over at JJ's bulging arms. Each defined muscle rose and fell like mountains against his skin. Large veins popped out in the most defined areas. My glance traveled down his arm, his wrists catching my eye.

As faint as they were against his dark skin, I couldn't help but notice red, jagged, and bloody cut marks all over JJ's wrists.

"H-Have you... Have you been?" I pointed to his wrist.

He stared at me, acting confused. He wasn't a very good actor. At least he tried.

"Those are fresh." I clasped tightly onto his wrist, pulling it towards me.

"Hey, BACK OFF!" He shoved me back, forcing me off the sofa and onto the cold concrete floor.

The shocked look on his face told me that he didn't truly mean to do the much damage. He only meant to push lightly, but the sheer force of his muscles against my small body went too far.

"You know what, I'm just trying to look out for you, JJ!!" I screamed, losing control and exhaling smoke with every breath. "I'm just trying to help you but all you think about is yourself! Think about what could happen if the Capitol council caught you doing that! They'll cut off the cash flow to your family back in the districts, and they'll send you and Todrick into the games.... But I guess you don't care about that."

I pulled myself off the hard floor, my head throbbing from the sudden landing. Without a single word, I stormed towards the staircase.

"Elle, wait!! I'm sorry!" JJ charged after me.

"I-I... I guess I'm just having a hard time coming to terms with things.. I saw Mitch and Scott kiss last night. I really thought I had a chance with Mitch... But I guess not. It just hurts."

"Honey, I'm gonna be blunt with you," I said, climbing back up the stairs, the clicks of my heels echoing behind me. "It could be so much worse. I don't know if you noticed, but my girlfriend died yesterday."

"She's gone... she's actually gone," I held back tears as I flicked cigarette ash over the stair-rail. "I know it seems like all hope is lost for you, but I promise it's not... Mitch isn't gone, at least not yet. When all of this is over, if Mitch lives, Scott will be gone and you could have a chance with him. But until then, you just have to suck it up and be patient..."

I kicked my heels and looked at the ground. "Honestly, as bitchy as it sounds, I kinda wish I was in your shoes."

"No, it's completely understandable..." JJ smiled halfheartedly in my direction. "I just need to remember that it could always be worse. I tend to forget that sometimes."

JJ held out his hand with a smile, more genuine this time. "Listen, I know I can be a dick sometimes... But as much as I push people away, I really do want some company. It gets lonely up here, so... You wanna come back upstairs with me... Pop some popcorn and just talk? No fighting this time, I promise."

"Sounds great." I latched onto his hand as he guided me up the remainder of the winding steps.

The smell of buttered popcorn filled the space, taking attention away from the drugstore cologne and cigarette smoke. It was a pleasant change, one which made this place finally feel like home. Before long, JJ brought over a huge plastic bowl filled to the brim with fluffy, buttery popcorn spilling out of the sides. He set it on the coffee table in front of us and climbed onto the sofa, putting his arm behind me, bringing me some degree of comfort.

JJ twisted the knob on the radio to turn down the thumping music. But before we could say a word to each other, a blood-curdling scream echoed from the speakers on the TV. Our heads turned faster than lighting, our eyes glued to the screen.

Two more screams and three cannon blasts.

We couldn't believe what we just saw.

"No..." I whispered as a single tear escaped my eye. "No... that couldn't have happened. That's never happened before!"

JJ, appalled at what he had just witnessed, frantically pressed buttons on the TV remote, trying desperately to get the Games off the TV. But there was no hope. The Capitol kept the TVs on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week during the Games. And there was no way to change the channel.

No way to escape the terror.

Instead, JJ muted the TV as we shielded our eyes, turning towards each other and sinking into a tight embrace. My body wracked with terrified sobs against JJ's chest. All JJ could do was sit still and silent, too shocked to move or even breathe.

For the first time since the Games started, the cheerful chatter echoing from downstairs dissipated as well, leaving the whole building quiet for what seemed like hours.

Everyone was speechless, falling victim to the shockwave.

Survival of the Fittest [PTX-Hunger Games Crossover AU]Where stories live. Discover now