That New Girl

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    If you want to read about elfs or unicorns and something without death and secrets and monsters there might be another story for you but if you insist on reading on then you may.
    This story starts with a girl name Poppy. Poppy was not your normal girl. She only wore dark colored clothes because light ones make her sick. Her hair was purple and no one new why, not even Poppy, and she had bright brown eyes on the edge of being red. Even thought she died her hair and always wore contacts girl. She had no friends, no phone, and she was not considered a freak at her school.
    One day she was surprised by her parents who thought she was special but in the way of mental hospital special. They surprised her one day saying she was going to a prepatorie school in the next state called "Mr.Dorrmans Boarding School For Pupils"
    Poppy said "I don't know how to feel about this. I am already known as a freak and wierdo at my school already and I don't want to be know as a freak there two. Maybe I should stay where at my school. Thanks  for the thought though." She said shrugging away there offer.
    "She has to go we can't just let her go to a school for OTHER people." Poppy's mom said to Poppy's dad.
    "I know and as much as I hate to do this we're going to send her there if she likes it or not."
    Poppy's mom took a deep breath and sadly agreed to do so.
    The next morning Poppy's parents woke her up for the first day of her new school.
    "Honey it's time to get up for new first day of school" Poppy's mom said waking her up.
    "Mom were in like the forth month of school why would I be starting now. Just give me five more minutes or until my alarm goes off." Poppy said before her mom pulled her out of bed and started brushing her long purple hair.
    "Honey I know you did t want to go to that other school but we have to send you there. Now you will be living there for a while and we will write to you everyday or call or text or do something. Just be good ok?"Poppy's mom said while she finished brushing and putting her hair up in a ponytail.
    "Ok?" Poppy replied.
    Poppy and her mom and dad and a few suitcases were in there way on a 2 hours drive. Poppy thought she could just sleep through it, so she did. After the drive was over and Poppy woke up she got up and got her stuff out of the car and hugged her parents goodbye and walked up to the school. She started to look around and she saw not a single person out in front of the school. She looked through the windows and couldn't see anything but a black sheet in front of them.
    "Oh you must be new!" A manly voice said and made Poppy turn around to see a very fat man in a suit and wearing a eye glass on one eye with a big curly eyebrows​, like the kind you would see in a cartoon.
    "I'm Mr. Dorrman I am the proud owner and principal at this fine school. You must be Poopy, is that correct?"
    "No sir it's Poppy, but you can call my Alice."
    "Alice? What does that have to do with Poppy? I don't get it and I must have an explanation of why are called that before I call you that young lady."
    "Oh I just like the name Alice, and I get made fun of with the name Poppy."
    "Alright Alice. Let me show you inside. Come come"
    Mr.Dorrman and Alice walked into the school and Alice's jaw drops at what she sees.

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