Chapter 1:The awkward talk

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It was night in Inanimate Insanity.All the members in the Gram Slam are asleep exept for Microphone.She can't sleep because of thinking about Someone.So she stepped out of the room With her Diary.She sat beside a bush in a clear area, and she started writing something.

It goes like this:

"Dear, Diary

Its been days that I haven't write anything 

Since Taco came in my life.But this is not about Taco for now.

It's about a person that's kinda like my color.He thinks his a Jerk 

And someone you can't talk too with weird things.Also I can't STOP 

Thinking about him.Its just I like how he act in the team.I don't 

Know why I think like that in him.What do you think ?"

Microphone stopped writing and closed her Diary.She's just thinking what she'll write next but can't think of any.The the bush shook.She was not that surprised cuz she thinks Taco was in the bush.

Microphone: Sigh* I bet it's Taco (Saying in her mind)

Microphone put the Diary at the ground and  moves the bush to see who's at her back.


Suddenly......IT WAS KNIFE!!!

Microphone: -OOOOOHHHH.....

Microphone added a strange feeling saying Taco's name.But she just got thinking why would Knife be there? Well...Knife looks suprised that she's also their.Knife also got that thinking the same...

Knife and Microphone:uuhhm..

They both say the same word...

Knife and Microphone:What...are you doing here???...

Now it's getting awkward...

Knife and Microphone:Can you... please..stop..uuhm ...Copying me????...

Microphone:Oh my god What should I say.....??? 😖😖😖 (Saying in her mind)

Knife:This is....getting weird 😳😳😳 (Saying in his mind)

Microphone and Knife:I'm just here....Something ...private..??

Microphone:CANT BELIEVE THIS IS HAPPENING?!!??! (Saying in her mind)

Knife:Wait WUT...(Saying in his mind)

They didn't know....that...Taco was inside that bush all the time ...hearing them talking and smiling...

Taco:How sweet of these lovebirds talking not noticing me hearing them..😉😉😉 (saying quietly in the bush)

There was a quick silence then Microphone ran away.

Microphone:NICE TALKING BYE (runs while blushing)

Knife just stands there like nothing happened and blushed a little.and something come out of the bush hitting his foot.It was a book and took it.He wonder why would there be a book there even that he didn't see one in the bush.then he start reading the cover...


He knew it's not from him..but he was curious....he open the book and started reading the first page.


Then he started laughing a little and continue reading the pages.He started walking off while Taco getting her head out of the bush looking at him.

Taco: This is my new OTP...



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Me:BOOII...My first chapter of my first  STORY...JJUSST WWWUUUTTT.....hi new friends :3 also....I'm bad in making Titles...meow xD

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