chapter 2 first day part two

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Antonio's PoV

" Why am I here again? Cause I don't remember asking to go to a school full of whores and boys pretending to be hard." I said to my best friend and future beta Liam who is joining the school with me.

" oh come on it's not that bad, we can even find our mates ." Liam said with excitement .

I didn't really think about my mate . It never really occurred to me Because I was so focused on trying to prove to my father that I was strong enough to be alpha . It was for that reason why I am in school in the first place.


August 20th 2017

I was walked straight to my father "can I talk to you in private "
He was talking to his beta Joel but he quickly dismissed him and we both went to his office.

" Whats the problem son?" As he calmly sat behind his desk

"I am 19 now when do you think I can be alpha of this pack."I said seriously

" I know you're old enough but I don't think that you're ready yet."

"So when am I ready.Ever since I was 16 I tried to prove that I can handle being the alpha." I said a little irritated.

Every time we had this conversation he will say the same things just the difference is that he gives me different jobs like negotiations with different packs to make peace treaties or something like that.It's almost like he just wanted me distracted from being alpha. It's not like I was irresponsible or I did anything that didn't deserve the packs loyalty ,actually quite the opposite the younger generation respect me as their leader of the pack and view me as their alpha.

"I will ask you to do one last task before appointing you alpha of the rising moon pack." My father said hesitantly

"I will do anything to prove I am ready to be alpha ."I interrupted ,father gave me a glare telling me not interrupt him again.

"As I was saying I want you to finish the remaining school you left last year."

"Is that it, I just need to finish one year of school and I become alpha."I said in disbelief

"And you must be able to make a peace treaty between the silver moon pack  as well as pass all your exams."

"But how am I going to persuade a pack that has been feuding with us for over 20 years,how are they going to ignore 20 years worth of  their blood on our hands and our blood on theirs."

This will be hard but I won't give up and I will finally receive my birth right.

"Consider it done."


"Tony ,tony ,TONY! " screamed Liam (Tony is my nickname) as we were walking down to the office.

"WHAT , anything wrong" I said surprised

"You weren't talking"Liam said worried

" yea I am fine but what were we talking about"

"We were talking about finding our mates in this school".

" oh I wouldn't want my mate to be someone like Page Potens or her little friends ,who See me like some prize to be won in their competition . I swear you can smell the people that went in her." I said roughly.

Liam just sighed " How about let's be positive" and with that we ended up walking to reception and took our schedules .
It look like I had business first and Liam said" I have Economics first so we will see each other at biology " . So we went our different ways. I didn't know where business was so I ended up walking around for a bit until I found a teacher I think his name was called mr.Banks any way he gave me directions and when he finished talking the bell rang.

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