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I don,t know what I,m doing here. And be here,I mean standing in room full of sluts in crop tops and high heels so high they could probably taste the ozone layer.
"Emily Smith, Mr. Smith will see you now."The older women who is im geussing she was probably the resepchionist said before huring me to the conphrince room.
"Good luck."The recepchonist wisper before sliding the door shut behind me.
"I wonder what that was about" I muttered to myself. I didnt have to wonder long because as soon as my eyes caught sifht of Mr, Fuller almost died inside.
WHAT! OMG ARE YOU SEREOUSE!? Yeah i can here you all shouting throught the screen bur foreal. Think of the hottest person you know but with the body of The Rock, the face of and angel and eyes so icy blue, i sware that if he cried itd be crystel.
My eyes traled down his face to this jaw and omg it could make knives jealouse. After all this staring my face is probably as red as ketchup because as i looked at his mouth i notice that this arrigent prick is smirking.
FUCKING SMIRKING! Now of course i couldnt just let it slide had to open my mouh.
"Now listen here you prick, i dont know why you find the need to laugh but i HEELLL NO know your not laughing at me!" I shouted. Me and my big ass mouth.
After my little tantrum a few things happemd.
One. His smirk turned into a fuxkong smile and pissed me off more.
Two. With his hads stuffed in his pockets he stud up and walked over to me.
Three. I backed into the door and this bitch locked me in place between his arms.
What a prick! I thought to myself.
His breath minty and warm agenst my face slowly spoke.
"I dont remeber the last person who has ever talked to me like that."
"I dont know why your such a prick." i muttered to myself but he herd. Erning me a warm chuckle.
"Thats what im talking about. Most girls juat fall at my feet but you-,"
He said as he looked me in the eyes. I didnt think he would ever look away so i did it first.
"Look at me" he camanded, grabing my chin to turn me back to him. As soon as i looked up into his eyes his lips slammed into mine thuding my head aginst the wall. And it hurt.
Throughing my mouth open in a gasp he deepins the kiss. Tossing his toung into my mouth expliring taking.

Mr. Fuller POV
"You should have just shut that pritty little mouth of yours." i chuckled. Me. Chuckling.
Emily is perfect. No thick couts of makeup. No sluty clothes.
Hell and as soon as she walked through the door she bit her bottem lip. The action alone made me want to fuck her.
No less then 10 minutes into the intervew i have her pushed agenst the door. With my toung down her trought.
Sucking and ditting finaly dose it becase rhe sweetseat moun escapes her lips.
"Open your eyes."
I cammand her
"look at me."
She did. Now i herd she was submissive but. Dame.
"Congragalations. Your my new PA Ms. Smith."

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