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I can't find the poem that I wrote yesterday,

And I've looked in every room!

If I can't find the paper I did by tonight,

It'll certainly be my doom!

I'm screaming, I'm panicking, I'm so freaking out,

And I really don't have a solution!

I'm running in circles, I'm trashing the house,

Boy, I'm making some real noise pollution!

I'm hyperventilating, I'm chewing my nails,

I'm doing things I can't explain!

I'm talking to myself, saying, "Come on! come on!

Just think! What to do?! Use your brain!"

I've got lots of papers all over the floor,

I should probably work on being neat.

But what should I do if I really can't do

All of that when I can't even speak

'Cause I'm panting, I'm ranting, I'm out of control!

I really need help right now!

I wish I could make it appear right here

In front of my eyes - but how?!

I'm finished! I'm done for! I can't carry on!

Tell my parents that I love them so!

Oh wait - there it is. It's right next to me.

I need a pencil - now where did it go...

Posted: November 3, 2016

Author Notes: I wrote this for an English project where I had a handwritten poem ready to turn in, but I had lost it and was freaking out. I wrote this poem to turn in instead, but in the middle of writing it I found the old poem. I turned both of them in and, surprisingly, she liked this poem. I read it at my eighth grade graduation, and this was the first piece I ever posted here on WattPad.

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