Part Two - Farkle and Isadora

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"Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same."
— Emily Brontë

Farkle was always awkward, of course he was most geniuses are the same in their early age, no one understands them. He met Riley and Maya first and became friends with them, although his awkwardness never bothered them, he usually tried to tone it down. They were his first loves, he didn't believe in what was called soulmates, even though his parents were each other's. He didn't believe in leave his chances to be with someone to a random act of fate. The genius couldn't believe in fate because it would mean that he wouldn't find someone truly compatible. He was confused when Maya found her soulmate so early in life, even with the overwhelming evidence that soulmates existed right in front of him he still didn't want to leave it all to chance.

Isadora always felt flawed in a way, she couldn't deal with human emotions like everyone else, she couldn't act like everyone else. She had no real friends only acquaintances because friends were a construct of an illusionary belief that people would get along. So she studied, and she focused on school, but sometimes being alone made her ache. Her parents kept trying their best to show her love and compassion but it always felt awkward to it, but she tried. Sometimes she could hear her mother crying, fearing that Isadora the girl would never know love because of her Asperger's diagnosis. So she invented an algorithm, to find her soulmate, because she knew if there was one thing for a genius to believe in was love. It was an out of control and highly emotional construct and one that she needed to master so that her mother wouldn't worry so much.

For these two wouldn't know what love was until they truly understood what they were trying to find, or what they were trying to deny. They lived as rivals, but never shook hands, never touched one another, only their competitive natures showing.

For Isadora, she reveled in the competition because it was at least one thing her parents had been truly proud of. She achieved a lot and the believed that her future was set by her mind, even if she didn't understand emotion.

For Farkle, he lived in the moment of competition without thinking of anything else, because he truly believed that he would be able to take over the world and love whomever he chose without the fates deciding. He wanted his equal not some random person of chance.

It would take until middle school, one debate before these two would truly know that what they really needed in life was nearby all along. What was true beauty? In the end Isadora had won the debate, but gained something greater.

"Good work Isadora, you have bested me again," Farkle said holding out his hand.

She took it warily, contact of any kind was something new to her, Riley and Maya had given her the chance at real friends, but it still felt strange to her. But she needed to learn and so she took his hand and a brief moment where their skin touched was all it took to send them both a shock that they never thought they would have.

Farkle pushed it aside, and let the feeling go. To him it was nothing, and it wasn't until he got home and changed his clothes that he saw the mark. Isadora Smackle was tattooed over his heart. All this time he had pushed aside the fact that soulmates existed, that he would never find someone truly equal to himself. Now he saw that the fates truly believed in perfect pairings as she was his true equal, and it frightened him because how could two like forces be together.

Isadora smiled when she saw the mark, it was a true smile and one that she rarely showed anyone, to her Farkle had been the only boy she had ever truly liked. Although they were rivals she always liked his tenacity and his thirst for knowledge. It made her happy that something was right with her world when everything was normally a fight for her to fit in.

A Tattoo on my Heart [GMW Soulmates AU]Where stories live. Discover now