Pt 1 - Unexpected Date

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It was just another typical morning for Y/N.  Wake up at 5:45am to take a shower and the whole morning routine to get ready for work. After her long commute, finally she settles in her desk to start her daily work tasks. Sometimes she sits and wonders if anything out of the ordinary would happen to make things more exciting.

Lunch time finally came around. She was browsing through her cell phone while she was eating. Then a text came in. She sees it's from Monie. It's her man's close friend. She wondered why he's contacting her since he rarely texts her to begin with. The message read "Can we meet up after work at the cafe cause I need a friend to talk to." Y/N saw no harm to that, and afterall, we all need a friend. So she replied, "Sure. I'll be there by
5:30pm" since it was fairly close to her job.  She didn't give it another thought. Maybe he was having woman issues as always, and she is always full of advice.

Y/N arrived a little bit early and found a seat near the back wall. The cafe was a little it bit busier than usual so it was pretty loud with all the people talking.  She glanced at the door and at the moment spotted Monie walking in so she was stood up and waved to
him. He walked over to her and gave her a hug hello before sitting down. She realized how handsome he looks this evening. "So what's new?" she asked him. He spoke of this person who keeps leading him on but only speaks of friendship, how she's giving him mixed messages. As she was listening, she was thinking he needs a woman like her.

Monie asked Y/N if she wanted to chill at his place since it was way too noisy for them to talk privately. She said sure since he lives near her place and plus he drove his car. He's able to give her a ride home afterwards.  They get into his car and the music is turned down low so it's not so distracting. He said thanks to her for her time and willingness to talk since he doesn't have many female friends, and his male friends like Taehyung might not understand his situation too well.  Y/N smiled at him and said it was no problem cause we all have times like this.

They're now at his place and she's sitting on the couch. He brings over a bottle of wine for them to sip on and relax more. They continue talking and Y/N couldn't help but notice the way he kept looking at her from time to time. She's thinking maybe it's the
wine making him that way, or maybe it's the wine making her see things. But she was having a good time with the conversation since it turned into laughs and smiles and a little bit flirting. Next thing they knew, they finished the whole bottle of wine.

She was looking at him and smiling as he was talking to her when she kinda bit her lip while feeling a little too good with the wine in her system. Monie noticed that lip biting
she did and took it as a hint.  Since they were sitting next to each other, he put his hand on her thigh and slowly moved his face closer to hers. She got caught up in the moment
and was leaning in for that kiss. She was thinking about how soft his lips were and how sensual that kiss was. They started kissing a little bit rough like in a frenzy because of the excitement they felt to finally kiss.

Next thing she knew he was tugging at her hair with enough strength to pull her head back. He started planting kisses and licks all over her neck which was making her gasp for air and breathing hard. This was all new and exciting for her. She wanted him so much all of a sudden, when before she never thought of him this way.

He whispered in her ear, "Do you trust me?" She nodded yes cause she couldn't speak from breathing hard. He takes her hand and leads her to his bedroom. At that point she was all putty in his hands. No matter what he wanted to do, she was ready for it at
that point.  He put his finger to his mouth and said "ssshhhh" so that she wouldn't speak. She just smiled at him in a lustful way as her agreement.  He went over to his drawer and pulled out a blindfold and put it on her. She can't see anything at all and was
getting more excited over his little game here.  "Are you sure you trust me?" he asked her again. She said yes. She then realizes he's unbottoning her blouse and pulling off her pants. But she is way too excited and in the mood to find out what will happen next.

She's just in her bra and panties at that point. He has her lay down on his bed on her belly side. He then proceeds to tie her hands together at the wrist above her head with a
scarf. She lays patiently as she senses him walking over to his drawer again to take something out. Then she feels him on the bed next to her. Next thing she knew, she feels this soft sensation going from one arm to another.  It tickles her a little bit but not enough to make her laugh. From her arms, it went to her back, then down to her buttcheeks that wasn't hidden with her panties. She was giving out tiny sounds of moans because of how good it felt. He knew she was liking it a lot. He then starts  stroking it down her right thigh, to her calf. It made it way back up and down her left leg.
She told him how good it felt. She can hear him giggle a little bit at that remark. He then said to her, "I hope you like this even better." Next thing she knew, she let out a big "Ooohhh" as she felt a sting of  flogger on her butt cheek.  He asked again, "Do you like that? If you do, say Yes Daddy Monie, baby girl."  She said out loud "Yes Daddy Monie!"  He goes and does it again on the other cheek. Again she shouted out in pleasure, "Yessss Daddy Monie!"  He can sense how turned on she is just by the way she's wiggling around on the bed as he plays with her.  One more  big sting on her butt, then he rubs it all better with his hands.

He said this is enough for now, that next time it'll last much longer. Since this was the first time they ever did this together, he only wanted to give her a taste.  Y/N was still laying facedown with  hands tied together. He then stars rubbing her lower back and moves upwards. He then undoes her bra so he can rub her back, massage her without it in the way.  He rubs her shoulders, the back of her neck. As he rubs her body, he gives soft gentle kisses all around her backside. She's just laying there still and moaning with pleasure while he was releasing her stress. He even rubs and kisses her thighs, just enough to tease her and drive her crazy. She was just wet with excitement at the
thought of him finally touching her special spots.  He finishes up massaging her back,as Y/N was much more horny rather than relaxed, but she kept still waiting on his words.  He tells her to roll over so that she's laying on her back. Her hands still tied together above her head, she rolls over but with her undone bra it falls out of the way and he finally gets to see part of her beautiful body.  She feels even more excited knowing he's looking at her almost naked. Then he takes the blindfold off of her. They
look into each others eyes, and he reaches for another sensual kiss.  As they're kissing, he starts to rub gently  around her chest, cupping each breast and playing with her nipples, making them hard.  She starts moaning while still kissing him because her whole body was tingling. He then starts moving his hand down her belly and gets to the top of her panties.  

Just then they both hear her phone ringing from his living room.
Monie stops as if it were a warning signal to him.  He then unties Y/N's hands and tells her she better check her phone just in case it's some kind of emergency. She gets up off the bed and goes to her phone.  She just missed a call from her man...

To be continued...

Hello everyone. This is my first time writing an ff. I hope you have like it and forgive me for any mistake. Comment down if you want the continuation of My secret man. Thanks ❤️

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