Chapter three

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Maria's POV

The next day I woke up feeling refreshed. Sandy was blissfully silent, bitch better be after yelling at me not to reject my mate all night long. I got up and completed my morning routine before going into my walk in closet. Even though I wanted to reject my mate, a small sadistic part of me wanted to look sexy. Just to tease him. Oh god I'm such a bitch. I pulled on my favorite dark blue, hight wasted short- shorts, and slipped into a lacy white crop top, Matching it with white wedge heels. I was having a pretty good hair day, so I left it open.

As soon as Blake dropped me off, with one last grumble over my outfit I might add, I walked inside to my locker. On the way I got a few wolf whistles here and there which caused a small smirk to grace my face. While I was pulling out the books I needed for my first few periods, a pair of arms wrapped around my waist.

"Hey sexy" Arron cooed. His arms felt foreign around my waist, and frankly quite wrong, but from the corner of my eye I saw the alpha talking to a few of his pack members, oblivious to my presence, so I turned around and wrapped my arms around Arron's neck.

"hey yourself" I said smiling

"So I didn't get around to seeing you yesterday after class, how was your first day?" he asked, eyes clearly on my chest

I moved my hand to trail a finger up from mid chest to his neck, before gently tipping his chin up so we met eye to eye "My eyes are up here sexy" I teased

Arron had the decency to blush before a shadow descended upon us. I looked up to see one very, and when I say very I mean extremely pissed off Alpha.


Liam's POV

I was having a casual conversation with my Beta; Scott, and my third; Anthony when I smelled her. I looked off in the direction of her scent and spotted her, leaning against a locker with her arms wrapped around some guy. She had those smoky, enticing 'fuck me' eyes planted on him, and was trailing a finger leisurely up his chest. Immediately I saw red. I stormed over and stood next to them, my 6'4 frame easily towering above both of them. They both looked up at the same time, my mate's eyes filled with a fire I couldn't place and the boy's with fear. As it should be.

I didn't want to deal with the boy right now, so against Andrew's encouragement to rip his throat out, I fixed him with a menacing glare and said "leave or die." the boy might as well have scampered away with his tail between his legs.

I stood in front of my mate, expecting her to fall to my feet just like all the other girls do, but when she didn't I was pleasantly surprised.

"what in bloody hell was that for?!" she asked, quite annoyed

"you are mine. Nobody touches what's mine." I growled

"woah, chill dude, I'm not yours or anybodies. Run along alpha" her tone turning bitter as she used my title

"You will not speak to me that way!" I yelled, causing most of, if not all of the students in the hallway to turn and look at us

"What are you going to do about it?" she asked. oh so thats what that fire in her eyes is; defiance.

I was taken aback by her answer, but I didn't falter. I leaned in so my face was right next to her ear, she shivered at my proximity and whispered "I'll punish you"

She roughly pushed me away "I already have someone for that." Her smirk had a dirty edge to it. It pissed me off.

"so what?" I asked "you want me to disappear?"

"yes" she said "I would like that very much". Her words triggered something in me, the odd sensation of deja vu... The eyes, the hair, the attitude... it all matched up.

"Maria?" I asked, silently praying it was her

"how do you know my name?" she asked warily

"I seem to remember a promise I made you." I said, grinning broadly

"excuse me?" she asked, clearly confused

"When I was fourteen I promised you that if ever I saw you again, I would remind you of our summer in the clearing by the stream." I said

understanding dawned on her features "The wolf's meadow" her eyes lit up like a child on Christmas morning "OH MY GOD LIAM!! IT'S YOU!" she wrapped her arms around my neck, sending sparks shooting through my body. I clutched her waist, lifting her up and spinning her around. We were laughing and smiling, my wolf was howling with the joy of having his mate. I put her down, regretfully I might add, but still smiling.

"So we are mates..." I said trailing off

her expresion immediately became guarded "no, we aren't mates until I accept you, and belive me that's not going to happen. I'd rather not get disowned."

"what are you talking about?" I was dumbstruck

"my pack and yours aren't on good terms. My father would murder me if I was your mate." she said, strolling away

"Don't walk away from me Maria!" I yelled to her

"not yours, remember" she called back, with a flip of her hair

Well I guess I know what I have to do then...





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