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I was hanging out with Meredith and I was having a pretty good time. I guess maybe it was just my mind telling me. I don't think I have a crush on her. I hope not.

I don't know why Kian cares so much. I liked him and he didn't like me back. Instead he asked out Meredith. So I think he lost his chance.

"Hey Babe. I'm coming home do you wanna come with?"
*we get home and I introduce Meredith to everyone and all of them had no problems. Actually most everyone loves her, except franny. She's being very bitchy to Meredith. I pull Franny aside.

"Do you mind?" I ask.
"You wanted to be mean to Jack." She says.
"Your an actual child. Have fun with your rapist boyfriend."
*i see franny tear up and I leave with Meredith.*

*i put on twitter*
@kianlawley: two wrongs never make a right.

@kianlawley: all i gave you was respect. I loved you & you do this shit to me...

*i end up sleeping over at merediths*

*next day i post on insta and twitter*

*next day i post on insta and twitter*

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@kianlawley: my one & only😍🤤

@arifranny: u guys look hppy together:)

*i see franny text me and I groan*
"Whats wrong?" Meredith asks.

*i open the text*
franny: kian please call me

franny: call me!

franny: kian plz call me. i need to talk

franny: literally about to move your stuff out and move jack g in.

franny: you are such a child omg

kian: can I help you?

franny: please call me soon.

kian: im coming home we'll talk then.

*i kiss meredith and I drive home*
"you wanted to talk?" *i put my jacket down*
"yes. im sorry." she says.
"i should be the one apologizing. He isn't a rapist. he isn't even a bad guy. he makes you happy. So that means we're happy." *i hug her*
"is it okay if I invite him over tonight?"
"don't care, I'm gonna go upstairs."
*she nods and i walk upstairs and shut the door to my room*

*i hear franny laughing downstairs and hear him laughing. i can tell franny is filming because she just did her intro.

franny p.o.v
"hey guys it's franny and, today we're gonna do the boyfriend does my makeup challenge. why would i do a boyfriend does my make up challenge if i didnt have a boyfriend, Well welcome my boyfriend JACK GILINSKY!!!!"

*i mutter to myself*
"why couldn't she say Kian Lawley."

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