Prologue-Happy Birthday

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"Happy birthday to you!" I cheered loudly as my little sister blew out her candles, Mikasa my adopted sister, had just turned five years old in our humble little shack on this colonized planet of ours. There are four of us, mom, dad, Mikasa and me. My name is Eren, I'm fifteen years old and if we had still been living on Sidonia I would be enrolling into the Academy to become a Guard Pilot. But instead my family and I are living in a colony on a tiny inhospitable desert wasteland of a planet with five other families.

"Hey, Mikasa!" that's Jean, a boy next door who is a total pain in the ass that keeps going after my sister. He's eight years old and has dual hair, blonde on top with black on the bottom. He's a stuck up little brat that makes me believe that we've somehow wound up in hell. The said French brat ran up to our little shack with the crummiest gift I had ever seen and best of all? It's made from mud.

I put my hand out and stopped the boy "Stop, don't take another step with that crappy thing called a gift." I pointed at the mess on his plate. He huffed and tried to push past me which wasn't going to work in the slightest "Let me go, Eren! I want to see Mikasa!" he growled making me give a chuckle before I settled my hand down and placed both on my hips "Over my dead body." I grinned smugly, showing my sharp canines at the little squirt. Not knowing that those were a poor choice of words as the shaking began making our shack creak and moan.

I ran outside to see what was happening, and it was the worst thing that could ever happen to our little colony. A Gauna had started to attack our home.

It was just like the reports described, it looked gelatinous like clay and is colored pink and white with no discernable markings to identify a face or legs nor arms with long waving tendrils coming out of its back. It was straight out of a nightmare. "Mom it-it's a Gauna! A Gauna is attacking!" I yelled out as I looked on in horror as the thing struck down at our planet. But what I really didn't know is that the true horror show was taking place behind me.

My mom let out a scream as another Gauna devoured her and then the bastard had the balls to take on her image after it had absorbed her. "Mom!" I screamed out but it was no use, she wasn't my mother anymore. My mother is dead.

Hot pain flashed through my chest as the Gauna's tendril pierced through my body, blood sprayed out of me as I looked on and watched my family being slaughtered. After that monster took my mom, it went after dad and then after Mika. "No!" I felt new strength flow through me and grabbed the nearest weapon by me which was a simple kitchen knife. It'll have to do. I grabbed the tendril with a shaky hand and cut it off at the base. The moment I did that, it dropped me onto my back and retreated while its other half squirmed back into my body through the hole it had created when I was impaled.

"Fuck this pain, I have to save Mika!" I crawled hurriedly towards my little sister just as more of the tendrils were attacking, I wrapped my arms around her and pressed her face into my chest so that she wouldn't have to see what was happening. "I'm sorry you had a crappy birthday, Mika." I told her before the blood loss and pain consumed me, causing me to pass out.

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