Chapter 3

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You woke up to the sound of a scream, You didn't even hesitate, You leaped from your bed, Running out.

The scream came from Elsa's room.

Opening the door, you saw Elsa in tears.

" Are you okay?! Are you hurt"?!

She ran to you, Making you tumble backwards, Elsa was on top of you, " Woah...". You stayed in that position for a while until you both were brought to reality. You stood up, Bringing Elsa along with you.

Grabbing her hand, you looked at her worriedly, " Why did you scream"? She bit her lip, " I had a nightmare". You sat on the bed, Patting next to you for her to sit.

" It's just a nightmare, It won't come true".

Elsa began tearing up, " it was about my parents...". You pulled her in for a hug. She wrapped her arms around your body, She felt protected.

You stroked her hair, " Um, Elsa"?

The blonde hummed in response.

" I've known you for a long time, and I wanted to say... thank you".

Elsa blushed, " Thank you? For what"? You smiled, " For being a good friend, For being a
shoulder to cry on, And lastly, For being you".

She stared at you, " Y/N..."? You nodded, " Yeah"? Elsa rested her head on your chest, hearing your heartbeat, " will you spend the night with me"? You kissed her forehead, " Anything for you". Elsa laid on the bed, You lay next to her. She curled up against your body.

You buried your face on her neck, Inhaling her sweet scent. Her hand intertwined with yours.

Elsa's eyes slowly closed, " Goodnight....".

" Goodnight, My queen".
Morning arrived faster than you thought.

You opened your eyes, Turning to the side.

Elsa was still sleeping, how can someone be perfect, Even while sleeping. You got up, Happy and ready to protect Arendelle.
Heading to your room to change and take a shower, you smiled to your self, Elsa made you so happy. You wanted to be with her... but what if she didn't feel the same way?
Once you were done getting ready, You hurried to Elsa's study, " Elsa"! You saw her, She smiled at you. Waking over to you, Elsa hid a blush, She secretly thought you looked good in your armor.

" Good morning, Guard Y/N".

You smiled back, " Good morning to you your majesty...". She then hugged you, " thank you for last night... it really helped. You're a good... friend". You plant your hands on her hips, " You are too". You smiled at each other.

For what seemed like forever, You broke the starting contest by Anna's voice.

" Y/N"?

You had a questionable look on your face, " What's up Anna"? She sighed, " You have a visitor".

" Who is it"? You started to get kind of scared but decided to not to show it.

Anna bit her lip, " It's a woman named Layla, She wanted to speak with you... I don't know why".

You rushed down the stairs to encounter a bone crushing hug.

" Y/N! You don't know how much I missed you! It's been forever"! Layla said, She held you tight.
You laughed, " I know! I know! I haven't seen you since I moved away...".

Layla pulled away, Immediately bowing. You turned around, Elsa was walking down the stairs with Anna behind her.

You cleared your throat, " Princess Anna, Queen Elsa, I'd like you to meet my ex girlfriend...Layla". You expected her to say something but when you looked to the side, Layla was still in her bowing position. You giggled, Nudging her, " Hey, You can stop now...". She turned really red, " Oh, Um, It's an honor to meet the Queen and the Princess".

" She's nervous...". You say as you wrap an arm around her, Unknown to you, Elsa was glaring at you.

Anna nodded, " It's okay... It's normal to be nervous, Y/N was nervous when she first met Elsa... it's fine". Layla ran a hand through your hair, " of course this dork would be nervous... one time, She almost peed her pants when she was given a special role for a school play... I felt sorry for her but it was her fault for joining one act play". Elsa started to get this feeling, Like a pain in her chest...

Was it jealousy?

You lightly punched her, " I told you not to mention that story ever again, Yet you still do! This is why I am not in Drama club anymore". Layla kissed your cheek, " Aw, Is someone mad..". You slightly blushed, " Shut it...". Elsa started tearing up, " It was nice meeting you but I have to go...". She quickly walked away.

" Hey, I am gonna go see what's wrong with Elsa. You two stay here, I don't care what you do just don't do anything inappropriate, that means you Layla".
You went to Elsa's study.

Knocking the door, You slowly opened the door, " Elsa"? The room was empty. You raised an eyebrow, " Where could she possibly be"?

You saw a servant cleaning the desks, " Madam, Have you seen the Queen"? She shook her head, " I'm afraid I haven't seen her ever since this morning my dear... but I do know she goes to the garden every once in awhile, you could check there".

" Thank you mam". You said as you walked off.
You made your way to the garden, You loved the way it's designed. You admired it.

You called her name, " Elsa! Elsa, where are you"!

Running down a corner, You finally saw her.
You ran to her, " Hey, I was trying to find you"!

The blonde turned around, " Y/N..."?

You noticed her eyes were red, You could tell she had been crying.

" What's wrong"? You said in a concerned tone. She sniffed, " Nothing...Don't worry about it".

You held her hand, " No, I will not leave you alone until you tell me what is wrong? Tell me right now".

Elsa's eyes shut, " I am jealous...".

You furrowed your eyebrows, " Jealous? Of who"? She played with her braid, " Um... Layla...". You chuckled, " Really? Why? You shouldn't be jealous of her. What does she have that you don't".

" She has you...".

You sat down on the edge of a fountain, " What do you mean"? Elsa stood up from her sitting position, " She got to kiss you, She got to hug you, You were always there for her...and you liked her back". You got up, " Elsa? Do you like me"? She began crying, " Yes... yes... I love you". You held both of her hands, " Queen Elsa Of Arendelle, Would you take the honor of being my girlfriend..."?

Elsa smiled, " Y/N... Yes, Yes I would love to be your girlfriend"! She said as she jumped in your arms.

She then bit her lip, " I just have one question".
" What is it"?

Elsa rested her head on your shoulder, " Do you like me"?

You smirked, " Does this answer your question"?

You pressed her lips against hers...


Stay tuned... 😊

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