I had been waiting for this day since I knew who they were. Today was the day I was finally meeting the Magcon boys. I don't think there are physical words to describe my excitement.
I had took a liking to the boys from the beginning, I had found Nash on vine first, which then introduced cam, then Jack and so on. I hate to admit it but I do favouritise Shawn. (Favouritise is that a word?)

Well I awoke at 7:00am and the meet and greet wasn't until 5pm, but I was so exited I couldn't relax. So I guess It was time to start getting ready
what to ware. I was literally meeting my husbands to be, yes all of them, I needed to look nice. But everyone knows I am not a typical girly girl, I don't ware excessive makeup, I don't ware pink, I don't spend 3 hours in the mirror.
Yes my grey skirt and cropped Extra Large Black Oasis Hoodie. Extra Large because I LOVE over sized clothes.
What shoes??
Red vans!!!
Grey, red, black... does that even match?
Oh well.
Okay so let's just pop abit of bronzer on, so I don't look as dead, and some mascara to give my dull eyelashes some length, abit of lip balm, give my hear a little brush. And... BAM! done.
And how long did that take?? 15 minutes, new girls world record.
I know Nash and Cam like freckles, especially along the nose and under eyes, which is what I have so I make no effort at all to cover them, I embrace these little dots on my face.
I mean I don't expect them to look at me and think, holy shit that's my girl, sweep me off my feet and ask me to marry them, but I would like to make a good impression.

I left the house at 8am, after getting some stuff together in my galaxy styled back - pack, and headed towards town.
In town, I was alone until about 1pm, because my friends are all normal and stayed in bed until a reasonable time. So, I went to Taco Bell and ate, I ate a lot.

The day dragged, it seemed to have been days before 5pm came, but I was finally in the venue with my 2 friends Courtney and Sophie.
I had never felt a feeling like this, as we lined for the M&G I saw all of the boys standing in front of a large screen which had 'MAGCON' written all over it.
My stomach flipped and I felt butterfly going wild, I honestly couldn't accept that I was stood just meters away from all of the boys.

After around 40 minutes waiting, and the last 3 people to meet the boys, it was finally time, I edged my way towards Shawn and could barely breathe. I played it cool as I didn't want to look like an obsessive ott fan girl, so I said "Hey" he put his arms around me and said "how are you?" I squoze him hard and replied "I'm really good are you?" He then smiled and said "I'm amazing thank you, I love your freckles". I could not deal, I couldn't believe what was happening but I tried to remain calm.

After meeting all of the boys and having taken lots of pictures, we gave our last hugs and said goodbye.
It was around 10pm when we left the venue, so we decided to go to a bar near by.
We sat, sipping our cocktails, chatting about out magcon experience when Courtney put her hand over her mouth and gasped.
"What is it?" Sophie asked, sounding worried.
"Look behind you!" Courtney exclaimed.
I turned my head and there they was, again, the boys came through the door in a little pack.
I couldn't believe it, what did I do to deserve this? I had met them? Literally half an hour ago and here they was again.

They came and stood next to us at the bar and I joked, "stop following us!" Cameron turned to me and laughed, "oh my god fancy seeing you here!" He then tapped Nash and the rest of the boys then noticed us.
We all started giggling, "fancy coming to have a drink with us?" Jack G said.
We all nodded and they led us to the VIP section. Let me repeat that, THE FUCKING VIP SECTION.

We chatted for hours, and all started to get rather tipsy.
"You guys are cool!" Matt said, "not like many fans, most would have been asking for selfie after selfie and screaming and shouting".
I giggled, "well we're doing it right then!"

I noticed Cam kept looking at me and often sparked a conversation.

The bar closed at 2pm, and we then left. I didn't want to go home, I wanted to stay with the boys.
Then the most amazing thing happened...
"Well since you guys are cool, and I doubt you will post all over social media, we was all wondering if you fancy coming to our hotel? We can have a few drinks there" Carter suggested.
I looked at the girls and nodded, but Sophie said she had to get back home as she had work in the morning.
Courtney then said, yeh I promised my mum I'd be home for 4.
I was devastated, my dad had passed away when I was young and my mum paid more attention to her new boyfriend than me, so I was more than happy to go. But I didn't think they would want just me.

I sighed and said "well tonight has been fantastic, I really..." before finishing, I was cut off by cam, "well do you have anywhere to be lauren?"
"Not really!" I replied.
"You come back then, you will be fine on your own".

I looked at the girls and Courtney said "do what you want" in a slight bitchy jealous tone.
"Yeah, I'll come" I said with an exited smile.

Courtney and Sophie walked off together, whispering and quite clearly bitching about me, but if they can't be decent enough to let there friend have fun they are obviously not real friends.

The hotel was only down the road, so I walked between Carter and Aaron.
We had a nice walk back, laughing and chatting.. but I couldn't quit thinking this must be some kind of dream. The whole time I wanted to scream and cry and text everyone I knew but I stayed calm, this would never have been happening if I would have been a typical fan girl.

I really hope u all enjoyed this chapter. I'll keep up with adding new chapters as much as possible.

Give me a Follow on twitter : @_laurenwaters_

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