Chapiter 4

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"Is that the true meaning of friends?" I asked with my self.

I was still curious about it, but I went to sleep.

Everyone was up and so was I. We went to the big hall and I saw everybody was sitting with someone and I didn't know who to sit with, until Alex called: Yo, Nara, come and sit with us. He was sitting with his twin brother Troy , Mira and Lucy. I went there and sat with them. We ate and than started talking about ourselves. "Our parents died on a car accident" Alex said. "We had a sister too, but she died on that car accident." Troy added.
"My parents died on a car accident too, but I don't remeber anything of them or of the life I had." I said to them. I just remember some word of a woman that say: "No matter what happens, always smile and things will get better."
"Yeah, we rember something like that too." Troy said, smiling.

As soon as we finished me, Alex ,Troy, Mira and Lucy went to the library. We were searching for interesting book so that we could have fun with them. I was searching and searching when I found a book. It was called:"Dear Nara!". As soon as I took it I heard footsteps running. I left the book imediately and all of us got out of the library. We went in the big hall and we saw everyone gathered around. We aproached and we saw Cana, Wendy and Lex on the couch unconscious. The nurse of the orphanage was treating them in silence. I was shocked.Alex suddently broke the silence:"Gramps..., what happened to them?" He asked. "They went outside together playing with a ball and than the some kids from the gang "Skull" too-"- he couldn't finish because Alex interupted. You could see his face covered in anger."Skull? Gramps, this means war."he said as he turned around. And than everybody turned around too. They were all angry and serious. We all went to the big hall and gathered around, and than gramps came. "Gramps, we are going to do something about this, you give us permisson or not?" Troy said as everybody agreed.

"Well, normaly nobody encourages his kids to a fight,...but, whoever messes up with my kids will regret for making an enemy such as us." He said with a serious face.
"So, now everybody prepare. We are honna have a talk with them."Gramps said as left.

Everybody seperated except me, Alex, Troy, and Lucy.
"Damn, those kids.."Alex said still angried.
"What is Skull ?- i asked. "It's a group of kids just like us, its just that they are not orphans. They kept bulling everyone, and a year ago they started even us."-Troy said.
"So what are we doing now? i asked them again. And without even thinking Alex said "We are setteling things once for all."

They all prepared and got out of the orphanage as a big group leaded by Gramps. As soon as we arrived they noticed us and got out.

"Ohh, look who's here? "Dragons Spirit" one of them said sarcastly. It really anoyed me. Gramps remaind chill. He was on the front line with Alex, me, Troy Lucy and some others.

"I saw you messed up with my kids" Gramps said on that temper while Alex and Troy couln't stand still. "Yeah, we did . They were really stubborn." he said like nothing happened. That pissed everyone out. "Bastardd...." Alex said impatiently.

The guy was so not serious until he noticed me there.
"Oh, Nara!! Long time no see." he talked to me. I didn't even know him. Who was he. Everyone was directed to me while I was directed to that guy. "You know him" Alex and Troy asked. "No , I dont" i answeres really surprised.

"Oh, you don't remember me?"that guy said again smirking.

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