ENTP RANT #notalljustpersonal

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I'm sorry to the eNTPs out there As an infp i'm actually very loving and I love all of the types but this doesn't seem to be the case with you. Why? Well, let's just start out with you somehow think that you are rare exceptional and original unfortunately you are more shallow than my old kitty pool. You also seem to think that your life is hard and although it might be you need to stop telling everyone about it, it's OK that you have hardships and you want to vent about it but. It's one thing to ask a friend for advice but it's another to just talk about your life and your problems and Not give a shit about other peoples problems. You also like to act like your #EdgyAndThatYouLoveDankmemes abs that you're so different than everyone else in the world and that you're emo and that everyone who doesn't dress like you or listen to the same music is just not as cool as u r.
Which is annoying. You're self absorbed as hell and you don't seem to care about anyone but yourself.
* if you're an entp and this is nothing like you pls don't take offenSe. It's my personal experience with the ones I know*


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